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Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch
Fachbereich Physik
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin


+49 30 838 58271 (office)


qucontrol[at]physik.fu-berlin.de (office)


From BER Airport
Elevated train S9 direction Spandau to Treptower Park, change to the circle line S 41 traveling west to Heidelberger Platz, change to the subway U3 direction Krumme Lanke to Dahlem Dorf; travel time about one hour

From Hauptbahnhof (Berlin Central Train Station)
Elevated train S9 direction Spandau to Zoologischer Garten, change to subway U2 dirrection Pankow to Wittenbergplatz, change to U3 direction Krumme Lanke to Dahlem Dorf; travel time ca. 30 min.

Map Detail of the Dahlem Campus

Complete map of the Dahlem Campus

Map Department of Physics

Map of the physics institute
