Bachelor- and Master-Theses
We offer bachelor and master theses in the fields of theoretical atomic, molecular and optical physics, quantum control and quantum information processing. If you are interested, please send an email to Prof. Koch (christiane.koch[at]fu-berlin.de) or Dr. Reich (danreich[at]zedat.fu-berlin.de).
Summer Term 2024
20001416 Research Seminar Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Control
Thu 10:00-12:00; 1.4.07 Gruppen-/Seminarraum (Arnimallee 14) -
20113401 Lecture: Analytische Mechanik (Theo2)
Mo 14:00-16:00; 0.3.12 Großer Hörsaal (Arnimallee 14)
Wed 10:00-12:00; 0.3.12 Großer Hörsaal (Arnimallee 14) -
20113402 Practice Seminar Analytische Mechanik (Theo2)
Mon 16:00-18:00; 1.4.03 Seminarraum T2 (Arnimallee 14)
Mon 12:00-14:00; 1.4.31 Seminarraum E3 (Arnimallee 14), 1.1.53 Seminarraum E2 (Arnimallee 14)
Tue 12:00-14:00; 1.1.26 Seminarraum E1 (Arnimallee 14)
Wed 08:00-10:00; 1.4.03 Seminarraum T2 (Arnimallee 14)
Winter Term 2023/2024
Summer Term 2023
Winter Term 2022/2023
- Research Seminar: Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Control
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Theory of Light Matter Interaction
Summer Term 2022
- Research Seminar: Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Control
- Lecture + Tutorial: Theoretische Elektrodynamik
Winter Term 2021/22
- Research Seminar: Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Control
- Lecture + Tutorial: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Lecture + Tutorial: Licht-Materie-Wechselwirkung
Summer Term 2021
- Research Seminar: Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Control
- Lecture + Tutorial: Theoretische Elektrodynamik
Winter Term 2020/21
- Research Seminar: Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Control
- Lecture + Tutorial: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Summer Term 2020
- Research Seminar: Advances in Quantum Dynamics and Control
- Lecture + Tutorial: Theoretische Elektrodynamik
Winter Term 2019/20