Optical perturbations Image Credit: New J. Phys. 15, 093031 (2013).
B. Lingnau, and K. Lüdge,Analytic Characterization of the Dynamic Regimes of Quantum-Dot Lasers, Photonics 2, 402 (2015).
F. Böhm, A. Zakharova, E. Schöll, and K. Lüdge,Amplitude-phase coupling drives chimera states in globally coupled laser networks, Phys. Rev. E 91, 040901 (R) (2015).
A. Röhm, B. Lingnau, and K. Lüdge,Understanding Ground-State Quenching in Quantum-Dot Lasers, IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 51, 2000211 (2015).
Y. Kaptan, A. Röhm, B. Herzog, B. Lingnau, H. Schmeckebier, D. Arsenijevi´c, V. Mikhelashvili,O. Schops, M. Kolarczik, G. Eisenstein, D. Bimberg, U.Woggon, N. Owschimikow, and K. Lüdge,Stability of a quantum dot excited state laser during simultaneous ground state amplification, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 191105-1 (2014).
N. B. Grosse, N. Owschimikow, R. Aust, B. Lingnau, A. Koltchanov, M. Kolarczik, K. Lüdge, and U. Woggon,Pump-probe quantum state tomography in a semiconductoroptical amplifier, Opt. Express 22, 26, 32520 (2014).
B. Lingnau, W. W. Chow, and K. Lüdge, Amplitude-phase coupling and chirp in quantum-dot lasers: influence of charge carrier scattering dynamics, Opt. Express 22 , 4867 (2014).
C. Otto, L. Jaurigue, E. Schöll, and K. Lüdge, Optimization of timing jitter reduction by optical feedback for a passively mode-locked laser, IEEE Photonics Journal 6, 1501814 (2014).
C. Otto, B. Lingnau, E. Schöll, and K. Lüdge, Manipulating coherence resonance in a quantum dot semiconductor laser via electrical pumping, Opt. Express 22, 13288 (2014).
C. Wang, B. Lingnau, K. Lüdge, J. Even, and F. Grillot , Enhanced Dynamic Performance of Quantum Dot Semiconductor Lasers Operating on the Excited State, IEEE J. Quantum Electron.50 ,723 (2014).
F. Schulze, B. Lingnau, S. M. Hein, A. Carmele, E. Schöll, K. Lüdge, and A. Knorr,Feedback-induced steady-state light bunching above the lasing threshold, Phys. Rev. A 89, 041801(R) (2014).
M. Wegert, D. Schwochert, E. Schöll, and K. Lüdge, Integrated quantum-dot laser devices: Modulation stability with electro-optic modulator, Opt. Quantum Electron. 46, (2014).
M. Kolarczik, N. Owschimikow, J. Korn, B. Lingnau, Y. Kaptan, D. Bimberg, E. Schöll, K. Lüdge, and U. Woggon,Quantum coherence induces pulse shape modification in a semiconductor optical amplifier at room temperature, Nat. Commun. 4, 2953 (2013).
B. Lingnau, W.W. Chow, E. Schöll, and K. Lüdge, Feedback and injection locking instabilities in quantum-dot lasers: a microscopically based bifurcation analysis, New J. Phys. 15, 093031 (2013).
D. Ziemann, R. Aust, B. Lingnau, E. Schöll, and K. Lüdge , Optical injection enables coherence resonance in quantum-dot lasers,Europhys. Lett. 103, 14002 (2013).
K. Lüdge, B. Lingnau, C. Otto, and E. Schöll, Understanding electrical and optical modulation properties of semiconductor quantum-dot lasers in terms of their turn-on dynamics, Nonlinear Phenom. Complex Syst. 15, 4, 350 (2012)
B. Lingnau, K. Lüdge, W.W. Chow, E. Schöll, Failure of the α factor in describing dynamical instabilities and chaos in quantum-dot lasers Physical Review E 86 (6), 065201(R) (2012)
C. Otto, K. Lüdge, A.G. Vladimirov, M. Wolfrum, E. Schöll, Delay-induced dynamics and jitter reduction of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback,New Journal of Physics 14 (11), 113033 (2012)
B. Globisch, C. Otto, E. Schöll, K. LüdgeInfluence of carrier lifetimes on the dynamical behavior of quantum-dot lasers subject to optical feedback, Physical Review E 86 (4), 046201 (2012)
B. Lingnau, K. Lüdge, W.W. Chow, E. Schöll, Influencing modulation properties of quantum-dot semiconductor lasers by carrier lifetime engineering, Applied Physics Letters 101 (13), 131107 (2012)
J. Pausch, C. Otto, E. Tylaite, N. Majer, E. Schöll, K. LüdgeOptically injected quantum dot lasers: impact of nonlinear carrier lifetimes on frequency-locking dynamics, New Journal of Physics 14 (5), 053018 (2012)
N. Majer, K. Lüdge, J. Gomis-Bresco, S. Dommers-Völkel, U. Woggon, E. Schöll, Impact of carrier-carrier scattering and carrier heating on pulse train dynamics of quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers, Applied Physics Letters 99 (13), 131102 (2011)
K. Lüdge, E. Schöll, E. A. Viktorov, and T. Erneux: Analytic approach to modulation properties of quantum dot lasers J. Appl. Phys. 109, 103112 (2011)
M. Wegert, N. Majer, K. Lüdge, S. Dommers-Völkel, J.Gomis-Bresco, A. Knorr, U. Woggon, and E. Schöll: Nonlinear Gain Dynamics of Quantum Dot Optical Amplifiers, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 26, 014008 (2011).
Y. Su, A. Carmele, M. Richter, K. Lüdge, E. Schöll, D. Bimberg, and A. Knorr:Theory of single quantum dot lasers: Pauli-blocking enhanced anti-bunching, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 26, 014015 (2011).
N. Majer, K. Lüdge, and E. Schöll: Cascading enables ultrafast gain recovery dynamics of quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers Phys. Rev. B 82, 235-301 (2010).
K. Lüdge, R. Aust, G. Fiol, M. Stubenrauch, D. Arsenijevic, D. Bimberg and E. Schöll: Large Signal Response of Semiconductor Quantum-Dot Lasers IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 46 (12), 1755 (2010).
B. Lingnau, K. Lüdge, E. Schöll, and W. W. Chow: Many-body and nonequilibrium effects on relaxation oscillations in a quantum-dot microcavity laser Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 (11), 111102 (2010).
K. Lüdge, E. Malic and E. Schöll: The role of decoupled electron and hole dynamics in the turn-on behavior of semiconductor quantum-dot lasers, Proc. 29th Int. Conference on Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS-29), Rio de Janeiro 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings 1199, 475 (2009). ISSN 1551-7616.
K. Lüdge, M.J.P Bormann, E. Malic, P. Hövel, M. Kuntz, D. Bimberg, A. Knorr and E. Schöll: Turn-on dynamics and modulation response in semiconductor quantum dot lasers, Phys. Rev. B 78, 035316 (2008)
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