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Prof. Dr. Roland Netz

IMG_8735 Kopie


Arnimallee 14
Room 0.3.36
14195 Berlin

Academic data

09/85 - 08/89

physics graduate studies at the Technical University Berlin
09/89 - 08/91 physics graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1/91 Master of Science
  Master thesis: “Frustration in Magnetic, Liquid Crystal, and Surface Systems: Monte Carlo Mean-Field Theory”
  advisor: Prof. Dr. A. N. Berker
10/91 Diploma in physics
  Diploma thesis: “Liquid Crystals"
  advisor: Prof. Dr. S. Hess
10/91 - 03/94 doctoral studies at the IFF, research center Jülich
02/94 Ph.D. in physics
  Ph.D. thesis: “Membrane Stacks and String Bundles”
  advisor: Prof. Dr. R. Lipowsky
04/00 Habilitation at the University of Potsdam
  Habilitation thesis: “Field-Theoretic Approaches to Classical Charged Systems”
02/02 - 09/04 Associate Professor for Theoretical Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
10/04 - 04/11 Full Professor for Theoretical Physics at the Technical University Munich
since 05/11 Full Professor for Theoretical Physics at the Free University Berlin

Post-doctoral experience

03/92 - 05/92 Visiting Scholar at the Center for Condensed Matter Theory,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
04/94 - 09/94 Post-Doc at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv
10/94 - 12/94 Post-Doc at the Materials Department, University of California, Santa Barbara
01/95 - 09/96 Post-Doc at the University of Washington, Seattle
10/96 - 12/96 Post-Doc at the Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg
01/97 - 03/97 Post-Doc at the Service de Physique Theorique, Saclay, Paris