Simulation of large-scale structure formation in surfactant membranes under flow
Dr. Hayato Shiba Institute for Solid State Physics University of Tokyo, Chiba 277-8581, Japan
Surfactant membranes exhibit rich variety of structures under flow. Especially, Multi-lamellar sur-factant membranes are known to exhibit" onion structures" having micrometer length scales. Due to its complexity, the phenomena have never been elucidated. To address this problem, we employ the large-scale simulation of coarse-grained molecular models. While we have not yet obtained spontaneous formation of the final onion structure in simulation, several suggestive structures have been observed. After explaining the construction and the property of the model, I will talk about the results of parallel simulation under flow.
[1] H. Shiba and H. Noguchi, Phys. Rev. E 84 (2011) 031926.
[2] H. Shiba, H. Noguchi, and G. Gompper, J. Chem. Phys. 139 (2013) 014702.
Time & Location
Feb 12, 2015 | 04:00 PM
Seminar Room T 2 (1.4.03)