Raman Microscope (Horiba XploRA)
Optical techniques, such as Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopies are by far the most popular tools to study nanostructures. Using these techniques, the crystalline structure, layer number, and morphology can easily be measured. The Xplora is a Raman and photoluminescence spectrometer with three different lasers (red 638nm, green 532nm, and infra-red 785nm) and four gratings built into the system. It offers good resolution (up to cm-1) and is extremely sensitive to detect the weakest signals and is therefore the system of choice for Raman lateral mapping (Raman microscopy). The device is equipped with a piezo stage offering precise positioning on the sample. The scattered and reemitted signals are detected with a Silicon based camera, which can also detect, in addition to Raman, photoluminescence up to 1.2 eV. The emission of transition metal dichalcogenides lie exactly within this range, making the Xplora an irreplaceable device for characterization of monolayers and heterostructures. The Xplora is used by many research groups at Freie Universität to characterise crystals, molecules, and nanostructures. We offer the setup to other groups for their research.