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AG Prof. Dr. Wolf | Literaturliste Jahrgang 2009|

(last updated: 24.05.2011 - 12:52)


  1. A. Melnikov, H. Prima-Garcia, M. Lisowski, T. Gießel und R. Weber, R. Schmidt, C. Gahl, N.M. Bulgakowa, U. Bovensiepen, and M. Weinelt
    Non-equilibrium spin-dynamics of Gd(0001) studied by time-resolved SHG and magnetic linear dichroism in 4f core-level photoemission
    in Ultrafast Phenomena XVI;
    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference,
    Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy, June 9--13, 2008
    Eds. Corkum, P.; De Silvestri, S.; Nelson, K.A.; Riedle, E.; Schoenlein, R.W.;
    Publ.: Springer Berlin-Heidelberg;
    ISBN: 978-3-540-95945-8
    Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 1, Vol. 92, (2009), Part 3, pp.200-202,
    # DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-95946-5_65 #
  2. Alexey Melnikov, Alexey Povolotskiy und Uwe Bovensiepen
    Magnon-Enhanced Phonon Damping at Gd(0001) and Tb(0001) surfaces
    in Ultrafast Phenomena XVI;
    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference,
    Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy, June 9--13, 2008
    Eds. Corkum, P.; De Silvestri, S.; Nelson, K.A.; Riedle, E.; Schoenlein, R.W.;
    Publ.: Springer Berlin-Heidelberg;
    ISBN: 978-3-540-95945-8
    Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 1, Vol. 92, (2009), Part 4, pp.244-246,
    # DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-95946-5_79 #
  3. Patrick S. Kirchmann und Uwe BovensiepenUltrafast Electron Dynamics in Quantum Well States of Pb/Si(111) Investigated by Two-Photon Photoemission
    in Ultrafast Phenomena XVI;
    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference,

    Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy, June 9--13, 2008
    Eds. Corkum, P.; De Silvestri, S.; Nelson, K.A.; Riedle, E.; Schoenlein, R.W.;
    Publ.: Springer Berlin-Heidelberg;
    ISBN: 978-3-540-95945-8
    Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 1, Vol. 92, (2009), Part 8, pp. 690-692,
    # DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-95946-5_224 #
  4. Luca Perfetti , Uwe Bovensiepen and Martin Wolf
    Broken symmetries and photoexcitation of 1T-Ta2S;
    in: Proceedings of Yamada Conference LXIII: The 3rd International conference on Photo-Induced Phase Transitions and Cooperative Phenomena (PIPT3), 11–15 November 2008, Osaka, Japan ;
    Eds.: Koichiro Tanaka, Tetsuo Ogawa, Hideki Hashimoto, and Shinya Koshihara;
    Publ.: IOP Publishing, Bristol, UK; ISSN: 1742-6588
    J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 148 (1), 012041 (2009), pp. 1-5
    # DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/148/1/012041 #
  5. K. von Volkmann, T. Kampfrath, M. Krenz, M. Wolf, and C. Frischkorn
    Ultrafast dynamics of coherent optical phonons in α-quartz
    in Ultrafast Phenomena XVI;
    Proceedings of the 16th International Conference,

    Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy, June 9--13, 2008
    Eds. Corkum, P.; De Silvestri, S.; Nelson, K.A.; Riedle, E.; Schoenlein, R.W.;
    Publ.: Springer Berlin-Heidelberg;
    ISBN: 978-3-540-95945-8
    Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 1, Vol. 92, (2009), Part 4, pp.235-237,
    # DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-95946-5_76 #
  6. Uwe Bovensiepen
    Femtomagnetism: Magnetism in step with light;
    Nature Physics 5, 461 (2009), pp.461–463;
    ( DOI: 10.1038/nphys1322 )
  7. M. Piantek, G. Schulze, M. Koch, K.J. Franke, F. Leyssner, A. Krüger, C. Navío, J.Miguel, M. Bernien, M. Wolf, W. Kuch, P. Tegeder, and J.I. Pascual
    Reversing the thermal stability of a molecular switch on a gold surface: ring-opening reaction of nitro-spiropyran;
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131 , 12729 (2009), pp.12729–12735;
    # DOI: 10.1021/ja901238p #
  8. Steffen Wagner, Felix Leyssner, Christian Kördel, Sebastian Zarwell, Roland Schmidt, Martin Weinelt, Karola Rück-Braun, Martin Wolf, Petra Tegeder
    Reversible photoisomerization of an azobenzene-functionalized self-assembled monolayer probed by sum-frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy;
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 6242 (2009), pp. 6242 - 6248;
    # DOI:10.1039/B823330F #
  9. Martin Wolf and Petra Tegeder
    Reversible molecular switching at a metal surface: A case study of tera-tert-butyl-azobenzene on Au(111);
    Surf.Sci. 603, (10-12), (2009), pp. 1506-1517 ; (Special Issue)
    # DOI: /10.1016/j.susc.2008.11.049 #
  10. U. Bovensiepen, C. Gahl, J. Stähler, M. Bockstedte, M. Meyer, F. Baletto, S. Scandolo, X.-Y. Zhu, A. Rubio, M. Wolf
    A dynamic landscape from femtoseconds to minutes for excess electrons at ice-metal interfaces;
    J. Phys. Chem. C 2009 ,113 (3), (2009); pp. 979–988
    # DOI: 10.1021/jp806997d #
  11. I. Radu, G. Woltersdorf, M. Kiessling,  A. Melnikov, U. Bovensiepen, J.-U. Thiele, C. H. Back
    Laser-induced Magnetization Dynamics of Lanthanide-doped Permalloy Thin Films;
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 117201 (2009); pp. 1-4
    # DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.117201 #
  12. C. Frischkorn, T. Kampfrath, L. Perfetti, K. von Volkmann, and M. Wolf
    Ultrafast far-infrared optics of carbon nanotubes;
    Proc SPIE 7214, 72140A (2009); pp. 1-9
    # DOI: 10.1117/12.809252 #
  13. U. Bovensiepen, S. Declair, M. Lisowski, P. A. Loukakos, A. Hotzel, M. Richter, A. Knorr, M. Wolf
    Ultrafast electron dynamics in metals: Real-time analysis of a reflected light field using photoelectrons;
    Phys. Rev. B 79 , 045415 (2009), pp. 1-9;
    # DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.045415 #
  14. M. Bertin, M. Meyer, J. Stähler, C. Gahl, M. Wolf, and U. Bovensiepen
    Reactivity of water-electron complexes on crystalline ice surfaces
    Faraday Discuss. 141 , (2009), pp. 293 - 307;
    WEB release date: 19.09.2008;
    # DOI: 10.1039/b805198d #



  • femtosekunden literature ag-Wolf aus dem Jahre 2009