Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (PT-DESY): "Live-XAS" (Haumann / Dau), 2022-2025
DFG Cluster of Excellence Berlin "Unisyscat": "X-ray spectroscopy on natural, hybrid, and synthetic active sites in complex metalloenzyme systems" (Haumann / Dau), 2019-2025
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (PT-DESY): "Operando-XAS" (Haumann / Zaharieva / Dau), 2019-2022
German-Swedish Roentgen-Angstrom Cluster: “Novel X-ray crystallography and spectroscopy techniques to unravel dimetal-carboxylate catalysis in enzymes and biomimetic materials “ Haumann (Chair), Högbom (Stockholm), Ott (Uppsala), Schünemann (Kaiserslautern), 2014-2017.
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Ha-3265/2-2, Heisenberg Fellowship “Molecular biophysics with focus on X-ray spectroscopy“ (Haumann, 2010-2014).
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Ha-3265/6-1, “Iron centers in FeFe hydrogenase and biomimetic coordination complexes studied by XAS/XES and DFT: hydrogen catalysis and oxygen inhibition” (Haumann, 2013-2015). a summary
Unicat (“Unifying concepts in catalysis”) DFG Excellence Cluster Berlin, project in area E “Biological catalysis – COx conversion studied by XAS” (Dau / Haumann, 2013-2018). a summary
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) Long Term Project (LTP), “High-resolution XAS/XES on high-valent metal sites in H2O, O2, and H2 activating enzymes” (Haumann, 2011-2014). a summary
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Ha-3265/3-1, “X-ray spectroscopy to characterize intermediates in the catalytic cycle of MnFe and FeFe ribonucleotide reductases” (Haumann, 2009-2012). a summary
Participation in the collaborative research projects (Verbundprojekte) of the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), “Foundations of a biomimetic and biotechnological approach to hydrogen production” and “Design cells” (2005-2011).
Unicat (“Unifying concepts in catalysis”) DFG Excellence Cluster Berlin, project in area B3 “Molybdenum enzymes studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy” (Haumann, 2008-2010). a summary
Participation in the collaborative research project “SolarH2” of the European Union (EU-FP7) “European solar fuel initiative - renewable hydrogen from sun and water” (2008-2010).
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB-498 “Protein-cofactor interactions“, project C8, “Spectroscopy on catalysis, assembly, and activation of NiFe hydrogenases“ (Haumann / Dau, 2003-2009). a summary
Participation in project C6 (H. Dau) of SFB-498 “Protein-cofactor interactions“, “Structural changes at the manganese complex of photosystem II followed by XAS“ (2003-2009). a summary
Volkswagen-Foundation, program “Electron transfer“, project I/77-575, “Electron transfer in water oxidation by photosystem II: thermodynamics, kinetics, and protein dynamics studied by time-resolved photothermal beam deflection spectroscopy “ (Haumann, 2003-2006). a summary
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), project 05KS1KEA/6, “Laser pulse excitation of biological samples during X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements for initiation of state transitions“ (Haumann, 2001-2004). a summary
Participation in project A2 (W. Junge) of SFB-171 “Membrane-standing transport processes“, “Photosynthetic water oxidation“ (1992-1998).