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Interdisciplinary Research Seminars

The Interdisciplinary Research Seminar comprises a regular SFB-colloquium (approximately five dates per term) and a workshop, which takes place at least once a term. In turn between winter and summer term, either interdisciplinary introductory (tutorials) and overviewing talks are given, concerning the relevant topics and systems for the SFB, or scientific talks of recent research findings for an intersdisciplinary audience are presented. Here, external speakers and guests of the SFB are also invited.

The annual workshop takes place in a manner of a summer school, where the project leaders present an introduction in fundamental interdisciplinary concepts referring to their project or research area or where they impart interdisciplinary key skills.



Das Interdisziplinäre Graduiertenseminar setzt sich aus dem regelmäßig stattfindenden SFB-Kolloquium (ca. fünf Termine pro Semester) und einer mindestens jährlich stattfindenden Blockveranstaltung zusammen. Im SFB-Kolloquium werden im Wechsel zwischen Winter- und Sommersemester entweder interdisziplinäre Einführungs- und Überblicksvorträge (Tutorials) in für den SFB relevanten Methoden und Systeme gegeben oder in wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse für ein interdisziplinäres Publikum präsentiert. Dabei werden auch externe Sprecherinnen und Sprecher eingeladen und Gäste des SFB eingebunden.

Die Blockveranstaltung findet einmal im Jahr als Blockkurs in der Art einer Sommerschule statt, in dem Teilprojektleiter eine auf ihr Teilprojekt oder ihr Forschungsgebiet bezogene Einführung in grundlegende interdisziplinäre Konzepte präsentieren oder fachübergreifende Schlüsselqualifikationen vermitteln.


The Copyright is hold by the respective lecturer.

Lecturer Titel / Download

7th IGK Seminar - Oct 6, 2016

  Program and Flyer
Felix von Oppen (FU Berlin)   Basic processes in molecular electronics
Stephanie Reich (FU Berlin)   Pristine and functionalized carbon nanostructures
Moshe Harats (FU Berlin)   Optics of 2D materials
Wolfgang Kuch (FU Berlin)   Paramagnetism (also for non-physicists)

6th IGK Seminar - March 24, 2015

  Program and Flyer
Tillmann Klamroth (U Potsdam)   Quantum chemistry and nuclear dynamics for molecular switches
Cornelius Gahl (FU Berlin)   UV/vis spectroscopy of thin adsorbate layers
Antonio Setaro (FU Berlin)   Introduction to nanocarbon and its optical spectroscopy
Mohsen Adeli (FU Berlin)   Controlled functionalization and post-functionalization of carbon surfaces (part1, 2, 3)

5th IGK Seminar - Apr 9, 2014

  Program and Flyer
Martin Wolf (FHI)   Dynamics of photoinduced surface reactions studied on ultrafast timescales
Stefan Kowarik (HU Berlin)   (Surface-) Structure on the molecular scale: real-space and reciprocal space techniques as complements of each other
Piet Brouwer (FU Berlin)   Introduction to the theory of transport through molecular conductors
Katharina Franke (FU Berlin)   Electron-induced processes in single molecules

4th IGK Seminar - Mar 25, 2013

  Program and Flyer

Kramer Campen (FHI)

  Interfacial spectroscopy: A tool for characterization of semiconductor surface structures and surface solvation (PDF and pptx)

Stefan Fölsch (PDI)

  Manipulation and spectroscopy of adorbates by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy

Andreas Knorr (TU Berlin)


Theory of the optical response of semiconductors: Basic principles

Karola Rück-Braun (TU Berlin)


Silcon Surfaces: Monolayer Preparation and Application


3rd IGK Seminar - Apr 18, 2012


Martin Weinelt (FU Berlin)

  Presentation techniques – the do’s and don’ts

Jose Ignacio Pascual (FU Berlin)

  Writing & Publishing a Scientific Manuscript

Christoph Schalley (FU Berlin)


Strategies for creating supramolecular architecture – templating, self-assembly, and self-sorting

Peter Saalfrank (U Potsdam)


Quantum chemistry: Methods, and applications to molecular switching


2nd IGK Seminar - Apr 6, 2011


Wolfgang Kuch (FU Berlin)


Magnetism for non-physicists

Jürgen Rabe (HU Berlin)


Scanning probe microscopies at solid-liquid interfaces

Felix von Oppen (FU Berlin)


Fundamentals of electronic transport

Andreas Grohmann (TU Berlin)


Coordination chemistry


1st IGK Seminar - March 1 & 2, 2010


Leonhard Grill (FHI)


Mechanisms of manipulating single molecules with a scanning tunneling microscope

Petra Tegeder (FU Berlin)


Surface Photochemistry


Stephanie Reich (FU Berlin)


Carbon nanotubes: Basic concepts and properties

Tillmann Klamroth (U Potsdam)


Quantum chemistry of molecular switches


Jose Ignacio Pascual (FU Berlin)


Resolution of intramolecular dynamics using scanning tunneling spectroscopy

Cornelius Gahl (MBI)


Basics and applications of UV/vis spectroscopy

Andreas Knorr (TU Berlin)


Theory of the optical dynamics of electronic excitations

Rainer Haag (FU Berlin)


Surface functionalization and self-assembled monolayers


Ältere Veranstaltungen befinden sich hier.

A list of the SFB-colloquia can be found here.