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International Symposium of the SFB 658 on "Molecular Switches", Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam, February 20 - 22, 2012


The SFB 658 "Elementary Processes in Molecular Switches at Surfaces" organizes an International Symposium on "Molecular Switches" from  February 20 until February 22, 2012 at Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam.

Invited Speakers:


R. Berndt (Kiel)

R. Herges (Kiel)

W. Browne (Groningen)

M. Hybertsen (Brookhaven)

N. Doltsinis (Münster)

R. Klajn (Rehovot)

C. Draxl (Berlin / Leoben)

S. Loth (Hamburg)

Y. Garcia (Louvain)

A. Nitzan (Tel Aviv)

L. Gross (Zürich)

C. Wöll (Karlsruhe)

M. Halcrow (Leeds)



Felix von Oppen, Jose I. Pascual


Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam, An der Pirschheide 40, 14471 Potsdam, Germany


For further information contact Dr. Henning Otto (P: +49 (30) 8385 6930, E: henning.otto@fu-berlin.de)