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Confidential counseling

Are you in trouble or experiencing discrimination? We want our department to be a safe place for all people. That's why we take anti-feminist, anti-LGBTIQ* incidents and your concerns very seriously.
If you have witnessed such incidents or are affected yourself, please report them confidentially to frauenbeauftragte@physik.fu-berlin.de or contact us personally in room 0.2.22.

Sexualized discrimination and violence

In case of sexual harassment (verbal or non-verbal), those affected should definitely contact the women's representative of the department or directly the office of the central women's representative.
Here you will find a flyer (in german) that shows possible actions against sexualized discrimination and violence. Furthermore, you can find counseling offers for affected persons and legal regulations against sexualized discrimination and violence on this website.

The help hotline "Violence against Women" is an important contact point for people in need. The counselors can be reached 365 days a year and around the clock via the toll-free number: 08000 116 016. The counseling sessions are conducted anonymously upon request.

Conflict management in the workplace

In the case of conflicts at the workplace, the persons concerned have the opportunity to contact the management, the staff council or the women's representative.

Organization of your studies

In the case of study-specific problems such as concentration, writing blockade and test anxiety, the Central Psychological Service of the FU Berlin and the Studentenwerk provide free consultations.

If you have any questions about the organization of the study, please visit the webpage of the study consultation where you can find a complete list of the responsible consultants and offices.

Get involved

Would you like to share a project idea with us on how we could make our department more attractive to women? Please write to us at frauenbeauftragte@physik.fu-berlin.de or contact us personally in room 0.2.22

Study and doctorate measures

The central study advice of the FU Berlin offers a variety of courses concerning the following subjects: Time Management, Efficient Reading, Overcoming Presentation Anxiety, Passing Exmans etc., as well as ajour-fixe: Coaching for Exams and Doctorates an.