Gender Equality Officer
We strive to make female physics talents to be successful and happy at our department.
The Gender Equality Officer works towards equality and for the better working and studying conditions of women. She monitors the realization of the women’s advancement plan. Besides, she works against the discrimination of female members of the university and female applicants.
The women’s representative is elected every two years from the female members of our department. She participates on every committee at the department and acts consultative.
Current Officers
Dr. Elke Müller, Departmental Women's and Gender Equality Officer
Sylvia Theodos, Deputy Decentralized Women's and Gender Equality Officer
Michele Boick, Assistance Department Administration and Assistance Departmental Women's and Gender Equality Officer Physik
- 8 female professors
- 35% female students
Confidential counseling
Are you in trouble or experiencing discrimination? We want our department to be a safe place for all people. That's why we take anti-feminist, anti-LGBTIQ* incidents and your concerns very seriously.
If you have witnessed such incidents or are affected yourself, please report them confidentially to or contact us personally in room 0.2.22.
Get involved
Would you like to share a project idea with us on how we could make our department more attractive to women? Please write to us at or contact us in person in room 0.2.22.