Women's Advancement
What is the Women's Advancement Funds at the Department of Physics?
To support women sustainably, the deparment provides special Women's Advancement Funds. These funds can be used for creating infrastructure, individual-related advancement as well as public relations. All information on this can be found in the award procedure for women's advancement funds.
How does funding application work?
Applications can be sent to the women's representative at any time (frauenbeauftragte@physik.fu-berlin.de). A women's commission decides on the allocation of funding. Depending on the application situation, the Commission for the Allocation of Funds for the Advancement of Women meets in order to be able to make a decision in a timely manner.
How have funds been distributed in the past?
An overview of the areas supported in 2017 can be found in the summary of expenditure from funding for women in the financial year 2017 (in german).
Scholarship database
Here you can find the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's database for scholarshipd. Some of them especially concern women and single parents.