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Physics Colloquium & TRR 227: Prof. Dr. Kai Rossnagel – Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials

Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics and KiNSIS, Kiel Universityl / Ruprecht Haensel Laboratory, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY

Location: Lecture hall A (room 1.3.14), Department of Physics, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin

Feb 10, 2023 | 03:00 PM c.t. - 05:00 PM

Physics Colloquium: Prof. Jens Eisert - Bell's Theorem, Absolute Randomness, and a Glimpse at Quantum Technologies

An Hommage to the Nobel Laureates Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger

Location: Great Lecture Hall (0.3.12) Arnimallee 14 14195 Berlin

Dec 02, 2022 | 03:00 PM c.t. - 05:00 PM

Physics Colloquium: Dr. Hans Schumacher – Single Electron Pumps for the Revised Ampere

Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig

Location: Lecture Hall A, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin

Nov 25, 2022 | 03:00 PM c.t. - 05:00 PM

Physics Colloquium & CRC 1078: Prof. Carlos R. Baiz - Picosecond interfacial dynamics in crowded lipid membranes probed with ultrafast 2D infrared spectroscopy

Prof. Carlos R. Baiz is Associate Professor of Chemistry at University of Texas at Austin, USA. In the colloquium, he will explain how his research group uses 2D IR spectroscopy to probe the local hydrogen-bond dynamics at the lipid-water interface.

Location: Lecture hall A (room 1.3.14) Department of Physics Arnimallee 14 14195 Berlin

Oct 21, 2022 | 03:00 PM c.t. - 05:00 PM

Physics Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Jung – Programming electronic and spin states in 2D supramolecular architectures by modifications on the single atomic or molecular level

Professor Jung will report on the work of his research group "Molecular Nanoscience" at the Paul Scherrer Institute and "Nanolab" at the University of Basel. The laboratories develop surface-supported atomic and molecular systems that have specific electronic or spin states and show a particular advantage of addressability.

Location: Lecture Hall A (room 1.3.14) Department of Physics Arnimallee 14 14195 Berlin

Sep 23, 2022 | 02:15 PM

Festive Colloquium in honor of Prof. em. Bennemann and Prof. em. Matthias

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the emeriti Prof. Eckart Matthias and Prof. Karl-Heinz Bennemann, we invite physicists to a festive colloquium. In addition to a historical review of the teaching and research activities of Prof. Matthias and Prof. Bennenmann, there will be two exciting lectures from recent research by Prof. Güdde (Uni Marburg) and Prof. Schmalian (KIT). Afterwards, guests will be able to discuss a whole range of topics from the last decades during a cozy get-together.

Location: Large Lecture Hall (0.3.12, tract 3) Department of Physics Arnimallee 14 14195 Berlin Weather permitting, the get-together will take place outdoors. We recommend wearing FFP2 masks.

Jul 08, 2022 | 03:00 PM c.t.

Physics Colloquium & TRR 227: Prof. Hermann Dürr - Ultrafast spin-lattice dynamics in magnetic materials

Professor Hermann Dürr leads the FREIA Lab at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Uppsala University, Sweden. We host this colloquium jointly with the TRR 227 " Ultrafast Spin Dynamics ".

Location: Lecture hall A (room 1.3.14) Department of Physics Arnimallee 14 14195 Berlin

Jun 17, 2022 | 03:15 PM

TRR227 Special Colloquium: Magnetic Materials and Topology - Prof. Dr. Claudia Felser (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden)

The Collaborative Research Center TRR 227 "Ultrafast Spin Dynamics " will host a special colloquium within a kick-off meeting of the second funding period. The colloquium will run online via Webex and is open to all members of the physics departments of the Freie Universität Berlin and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg without any registration.

Mar 11, 2022 | 03:15 PM

TRR 227 Special Colloquium: Probing electrons and electron dynamics in 2D materials and heterostructures - Prof. Tony Heinz (Stanford)

The Collaborative Research Center TRR 227 "Ultrafast Spin Dynamics " will host a special colloquium within a kick-off meeting of the second funding period. The colloquium will run online via Webex and is open to all members of the physics departments of the Freie Universität Berlin and the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg without any registration.

Location: online über webex

Mar 09, 2022 | 07:30 PM

Physics Colloquium: Dr. Kasra Amini - Habilitation presentation talk "Visualising the structure and photochemistry of molecules on the atomic scale"

Dr. Kasra Amini researches at Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy in Berlin.

Feb 04, 2022 | 03:00 PM

Physics Colloquium: Dr. Cynthia Heiner-Winter - Science Education

Dr. Cynthia Heiner-Winter is a science education specialist and MINToring project coordinator at Freie Universität Berlin.

Jan 21, 2022 | 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM