Physics Colloquium & TRR 227: Prof. Dr. Matias Bargheer "Controlling and calibrating ultrafast energy transfer processes in metal nanostructures for ultrafast spin dynamics and light driven catalysis"
Potsdam University, Institute of Physics and Astronomy; Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
We investigate energy transfer processes within epitaxial and colloidal metallic nanostructures by quantifying the transport across material interfaces and the local mutual coupling of electrons, spins and phonons within each material.
Unconventional forms of energy transport, e.g. heat transport without heating and the dominance of phonon heat transport in the noble metal Au initially observed via Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction (UXRD)are exploited for tailoring the excitation of spin waves in ferromagnetic thin films and the nano-localization of energy in catalytically active Palladium nano-spikes on colloidal gold.
We combine the UXRD experiments with ultrafast all-optical methods that are sensitive to the electron and spin systems.
Time & Location
Nov 15, 2024 | 03:00 PM c.t.
Lecture Hall A (1.3.14)
Department of Physics
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin
Further Information
Host: Prof. Dr. Martin Weinelt
- catalysis
- energy transfer
- Matias Bargheer
- nanostructures
- Physics Colloquium
- spin
- spin dynamics
- TRR 227
- ultrafast physics
- Ultrafast Spin Dynamics
- Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction