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Hydrogen as a Climate-neutral Fuel

Dr. Sven Stripp

Dr. Sven Stripp

A team of researchers from Freie Universität Berlin, the University of Bochum, and the University of Linz has succeeded in observing the transfer of protons in a hydrogenase reaction.

News from Dec 13, 2019

Biophysicists have found evidence for the design of so-called biomimetic catalysts. These chemical complexes that mimic biological processes are necessary in the production of hydrogen gas (H2) as a climate-neutral fuel. In collaboration with scientists from Bochum and Linz, the team of Dr. Sven Stripp managed to observe the transfer of protons in an enzyme reaction in a controlled experiment.

The findings were published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS).

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  • biomimetic catalysts
  • hydrogen
  • physics research
  • Sven Stripp
  • vlimate-neutral fuel