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Physical Society of Berlin honors two Physics graduates of the Freie Universität Berlin

Preisträger von 2020: Paul Fährmann (links) und Daniel Vajner (rechts)

Preisträger von 2020: Paul Fährmann (links) und Daniel Vajner (rechts)

Our graduates Daniel Vajner and Paul Fährmann received the Physics Study Award of the Physical Society of Berlin for their outstanding master's projects.

News from Jul 10, 2020

Daniel Vajner, a student in the French-German double degree master's program, did research for his master's thesis in the group of Jacqueline Bloch at the Centre de Nanoscience et de Nanotechnologies in Palaiseau. He investigated the behavior of so-called exciton-polaritons, a quantum mechanical superposition of semiconductor excitons, and bound photonic states in a microcavity, which can be described as a bosonic quasi-particle in its own right.

Paul Fährmann worked on his master project in the research group of Prof. Jens Eisert and investigated resource-based perspectives on near and long-term quantum computing. Paul Fährmann now continues his research activities as a Ph.D. student in Prof. Eisert’s group and focuses on quantum simulation, quantum information theory, and quantum algorithms.

The award ceremony took place on 9 July 2020 in the Magnus-Haus in Berlin. The prizes, consisting of a certificate and prize money, were awarded to eight physics graduates from Berlin and Potsdam. Due to the Covid19 restrictions, the circle of guests at this year's event was small.

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  • physics award 2020