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Quantum Certification and Benchmarking

Quantum certification and benchmarking

Quantum certification and benchmarking

Scientists from the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems of Freie Universität Berlin and the Sorbonne Paris developed a framework for certification and benchmarking of quantum technologies. They published a brief overview of the existing characterization methods of certification and benchmarking in the journal Nature Reviews Physics. 

News from Jun 03, 2020

Recent years have seen a rapid development of quantum technologies, promising new real-world applications in communication, simulation, sensing and computation. Concomitant with this technological progress, challenging demands arise concerning the certification and characterization of quantum devices. The promises of the field can only be achieved if stringent levels of precision of components can be reached and their functioning guaranteed. 

To provide developers with a framework for further engineering activities, scientists from the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems of Freie Universität Berlin and the Sorbonne Paris summarized all known characterization methods of certification, benchmarking, and tomographic recovery of quantum states and processes, as well as their applications in quantum computing, simulation, and communication. The overview of these specifically ‘quantum’ certification tools has been published in the journal Nature Reviews Physics. 

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