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Experimental Physicist Robert Bittl Receives ERC Synergy Grant Together with an International Team of Researchers

Prof. Dr. Robert Bittl

Prof. Dr. Robert Bittl

European Research Council grants international research team almost nine million euro.

News from Oct 25, 2022

Professor Robert Bittl, an experimental physicist at Freie Universität Berlin, is to receive over two million euros through an ERC Synergy Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) as part of a joint international research project. Four other researchers from four different countries will receive funding for the “Chirality and Spin Selectivity in Electron Transfer Processes: From Quantum Detection to Quantum Enabled Technologies – CASTLe” project.

The ERC’s funding will amount to almost nine million euros in total. This is the first time that Freie Universität Berlin has received part of an ERC Synergy Grant.

Press release of the Freie Universität Berlin

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  • Bittl
  • chirality
  • electron transfer
  • ERC Synergy Grant
  • European Research Council
  • funding
  • research
  • spin selectivity