I have received strange/suspicious emails.
First of all, you should never reply to suspicious emails, click on links contained in such mails or open its attachments. Be careful with mails that you do not expect, that comes from people you have never had contact with or that are unusual for the sender. If in doubt, just ask us.
Emails can be very falsified very easily, since they are little more than text files in a certain format, that are exchanged between mail servers. A lot of servers are therefore extremely liberal in what they accept in their From
Current malware can produce extraordinarily genuine looking phishing mails, but recently we had cases of easily-noticeable forgeries, notable for inconsistent names and addresses (John Doe <tom.smith@example.com>), usage of non-departmental mail addresses, linguistic mistakes and their content.
If you suspect to have received such mail, please send it to cybermobbing@physik.fu-berlin.de by first saving the mail (usually right click on the mail and Save as
) and attaching it to your mail.