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Publishing news and dates

For publishing news and dates on your webpages, you need to create appropriate links in your start folder ("Startseiten-Ordner").

If you prefer to publish your own news and dates rather than taking them over from the index page of the physics department, then you will find detailed instructions on the CeDiS documentation pages, for news as well as for appointments.The pages are only available in German. Therefore we provide here some basic instructions in English. If you need more detailed guidance please contact the keyuser.


  1. You need to create a news folder (template "News-Ordner") as a subfolder of the startpage folder.
  2. Within this folder, which is typically called news in all language versions, you create a news document for each news item (template "News-Dokument"). The title and the summary ("Zusammenfassung") of each item appear in the news box on the right side of your webpage. Clicking on the title opens the main content page of the news. Title and summary should be kept as short as possible. We strongly recommend to enter an expiry date ("Gültig bis:"). After this date the news item will no longer be listed in the news box.

More or less the same procedure applies to appointments/dates.

  1. You need to create a dates folder (template "Termin-Ordner") as subfolder of your startpage folder, usually called termine.
  2. In this folder you create a "Termin-Dokument" for each appointment. Only future appointments/dates will be listed in the appointments box on the right of your webpage. Past appointments can be seen when you click on the overview link.

In order to make the boxes visible on the startpage, you need to adjust the settings of the startpage folder.

You will find examples of news and appointment boxes on almost all startpages of departments and workgroups.
You can manipulate the order in which the boxes appear by the position number: lower numbers will appear before/above higher numbers.


Please have a look at the example page or a workgroup of the department.