M.Sc. Pit Langner
Hello, my name is Pit Langner. After finishing my Master’s Thesis I rejoined the AG Heberle in 2017 for my PhD. Currently, I am in charge of maintaining and augmenting the infrared spectrometer setup developed by Bernd-Joachim Schulz, which is based on tunable quantum cascade lasers as probing light source and provides the means to perform time-resolved experiments on proteins in aqueous solution. For my research I am focused on resolving the protonation dynamics within Cytochrome c Oxidase during its catalytic cycle.

Department of Physics
Institute of Experimental Physics
Experimental Molecular Biophysics
PhD Candidate
Room 1.1.36
14195 Berlin
Pit Langner born 1990 in Berlin, Germany
Bachelor of Science 2012, Freie Universiät Berlin
Master of Science 2015, Freie Universität Berlin
Previously I investigated proteins carrying a light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain for blue-light sensing via steady-state Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and UV/Vis spectroscopy in conjunction with site-directed mutagenesis, H/D and H216O/H218O exchange and Stark labeling. Although obviously still in the field of biophysics, my research interest shifted when I started my PhD. Now I am utilizing the capabilities of the tunable QCL setup in combination with microfluidics and a flow-flash approach to primarily study (in close cooperation with Federico Baserga) the terminal enzyme of the respiratory chain, Cytochrome c Oxidase (CcO).
Saliminasab M, Yamazaki Y, Palmateer A, Harris A, Schubert L, Langner P, Heberle J, Bondar AN, Brown LS
A Proteorhodopsin-Related Photosensor Expands the Repertoire of Structural Motifs Employed by Sensory Rhodopsins
J. Phys. Chem. B 2023, 127, 37, 7872–7886, doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c04100
Schubert L, Langner P, Ehrenberg D, Lorenz-Fonfria VA, Heberle J
Protein conformational changes and protonation dynamics probed by a single shot using quantum-cascade-laser-based IR spectroscopy
J Chem Phys. 2022 May 28;156(20):204201, doi: 10.1063/5.0088526
Kerruth S, Langner P, Raffelberg S, Gärtner W, Heberle, J
Characterization of the blue-light activated adenylyl cyclase mPAC by flash photolysis and FTIR spectroscopy
Photochem. Photobiol. (2017) 93, 637–907; 10.1111/php.12746