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Publications 2023

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Papers published in refereed journals 2023

  • Fernando Gago-Encinas, Tobias Hartung, Daniel M. Reich, Karl Jansen, and Christiane P. Koch.
    Determining the ability for universal quantum computing: Testing controllability via dimensional expressivity.
    Quantum 7, 1214 (2023).
    [ DOI l arXiv | PDF l Abstract ]
  • Dan Yudilevich, Alon Salhov, Ido Schaefer, Konstantin Herb, Alex Retzker, and Amit Finkler.
    Coherent manipulation of nuclear spins in the strong driving regime.
    New Journal of Physics, 25, 113042 (2023).
    [ DOI l arXiv l PDF l Abstract ]
  • Matthias G. Krauss, Christiane P. Koch, and Daniel M. Reich.
    Optimizing for an arbitrary Schrödinger cat state.
    Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 043051 (2023).
    [ DOI | arXiv | PDF | Abstract ]
  • Fernando Gago-Encinas, Monika Leibscher, and Christiane P. Koch.
    Graph test of controllability in qubit arrays: A systematic way to determine the minimum number of external controls.
    Quantum Sci. Technol. 8, 045002 (2023).
    [ DOI | arXiv | PDF | Abstract ]
  • Baruch Margulis, Karl P. Horn, Daniel M. Reich, Meenu Upadhyay, Nitzan Kahn, Arthur Christianen, Ad van der Avoird, Gerrit C. Groenenboom, Markus Meuwly, Christiane P. Koch, and Edvardas Narevicius.
    Tomography of Feshbach resonance states.
    Science 380, 77-81 (2023).
    [ DOI | arXiv | PDF | Abstract ]