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Invited Talks

  • Minimal laser networks: Chimera states and other synchronization phenomena, Dynamics Days South America, Santiago de Chile, Chile (11/2014)
  • Partial synchronization and multistability in optically coupled laser networks, FANS&ANPh, Minsk, Weißrussland (10/2014)
  • Optical instabilities in quantum-dot lasers: What makes them different to
    quantum-well lasers, 6th Rio de la Plata Workshop on Laser Dynamics
    and Nonlinear Photonics, Montevideo, Uruguay (12/2013)
  • Multi-section quantum-dot laser devices-Nonlinear dynamics and noise
    effects, Energy Material Nanotechnology (EMN) meeting, Orlando, USA (12/2013)
  • Quamtum-dot laser iwth optical perturbations - Stability and amplitude
    phase coupling, IS-PALD International Symposium on Physics and
    Applications of Laser Dynamics, Paris France (10/2013 )
  • Coherence resonance in quantum-dot lasers with optical perturbations
    Dynamics Days Europe, Madrid, Spanien (06/2013 )
  • Impact of coherent processes on the dynamics of quantum-dot lasers
    and amplifiers , Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Kondensierte Materie der
    Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Regensburg, Deutschland (03/2013 )
  • Lüdge, K. , Lingnau, B., Otto, C. and Schöll, E. , Understanding electrical and optical modulation properties of semiconductor quantum-dot lasers in terms of their turn-on dynamics, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Nonlinear Photonics Workshop, Minsk, Weißrussland (9/2012).
  • Nonlinear dynamics of microscopically modeled quantum dot laser devices
    International Workshop: Nonlinear Photonics, St. Petersburg, Russia (08/2011)
  • Impact of Temperature and Excited States on Quantum Dot Laser Dynamics
    SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA (01/2011)
  • Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Quantum-Dot Lasers with Delayed Optical Feedback,
    Rio de la Plata Workshop on Laser dynamics, Piriapolis, Uruguay, 8.-11.12.2009
  • Comparison between two different QD laser rate equation models,
  • Analytical dissection of a model for quantum-dot lasers,
    CLEO/EQEC Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 14.6-19.6.2009
  • Nonlinear Dynamics of Quantum Dot Lasers,
    IEEE LEOS Winter Topicals: Nonlinear Dynamics in Photonic Systems, Innsbruck, 12.1-14.1.2009
  • The Role of Desynchronized Electron and Hole Dynamics in the Turn-on Dynamics of Quantum-Dot Lasers,
    DPG-Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Dresden, Germany, 23.-27.3.2009
  • Decoupled Electron and Hole Dynamics in the Turn-on Behavior of Quantum-Dot Lasers,
    Dynamics Days Berlin-Brandenburg, Potsdam, 8.10.-10.10.08
  • Decoupled Electron and Hole Dynamics in the Turn-on Behavior of Quantum-Dot Lasers,
    ISCL 2008 ; 21st IEEE International Semiconductor Laser Conference; Sorrento, Italien 14.9.-18.9.08
  • Dynamic Response of Quantum Dot Lasers - Influence of Nonlinear Electron-Electron Scattering, Seminarvortrag an der Uni Regensburg, AG PD U.Schwarz, 30.6.2008
  • Dynamic Response of Quantum-Dot Lasers -Influence of Nonlinear Electron-Electron Scattering,
    DPG-Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, Germany, 24.-29.2.2008