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Quantum coherence and correlation effects distinguish quantum transport through nanostructures from more conventional quasiclassical transport. A flexible and intensively studied model system are quantum dots where our work has focused on strongly coupled dots, the Coulomb blockade, and the Kondo effect. Most of our current effort focuses on molecular electronics where we investigate the influence of collective modes such as molecular vibrations or spin in single-molecule transistors.


Selected publications

  • E. Sela, H.-S. Sim, Y. Oreg, M.E. Raikh, F. von Oppen
    Electron Pair Resonance in the Coulomb Blockade
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 056809 (2008)
  • M.G. Schultz, T.S. Nunner, F. von Oppen
    Berry-phase effects in transport through single Jahn-Teller molecules
    Phys. Rev. B 77, 075323 (2008)
  • E. Sela, Y. Oreg, F. von Oppen, J. Koch
    Fractional Shot Noise in the Kondo Regime
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 060501 (2006)
  • J. Koch, M.E. Raikh, F. von Oppen
    Pair tunneling through single molecules
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 056803 (2006)
  • J. Koch, M.E. Raikh, F. von Oppen
    Full counting statistics of strongly non-Ohmic transport through single molecules
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 056801 (2005)
  • J. Koch, F. von Oppen
    Franck-Condon Blockade and Giant Fano Factors in Transport through Single Molecules
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 206804 (2005)
  • R. Berkovits, F. von Oppen, Y. Gefen
    Theory of charge sensing in quantum-dot structures
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 076802 (2005)
  • R. Berkovits, F. von Oppen, J.W. Kantelhardt
    Discrete charging of a quantum dot strongly coupled to external leads
    Europhys. Lett. 68, 699 (2004)

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