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Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in Terbium and Nickel

PES of the Gd surface state [Andres et al., PRL 115, 207404 (2015)]

PES of the Gd surface state [Andres et al., PRL 115, 207404 (2015)]

Earliest Start: April 2018


A magnet can be demagnetized, when it is excited by an intense laser pulse. Such laser-induced magnetic phase transitions may be crucial for the development of future technology. They are the basis of a young research field called femtomagnetism, which is mostly investigated in MOKE and XMCD experiments. That is why the dynamics in the band structure during these phase transitions are up to now not well explored. With our spin- and time-resolved photoemission setup, we can explore the transient changes in the band structure as well as their spin dependence. We already explored the phase transition of gadolinium and iron. The next step is going to similar ferromagnets such as terbium and nickel.

To Do List

  • Installation and commissioning of (already present) terbium and nickel evaporators in our UHV chamber
  • Spin- and time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the laser-induced magnetic phase transitions in Tb and Ni

You Will Learn:

  • How to operate a short-pulsed laser
  • Working with ultrahigh vacuum
  • Analysis and interpretation of photoemission spectra
  • Physics of magnetic phase transitions

If Interested, Write To:

Beatrice Andres <andres[at]physik.fu-berlin.de>