Group Members
msahsan@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.27, 14195 Berlin
niloofaa94@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.27, 14195 Berlin
gleich@physik.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.27 / 0.4.24 Lab, 14195 Berlin
felixheg01@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.23, 14195 Berlin
daniel.przyrembel@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.21 / 1.4.14 Lab, 14195 Berlin
puettner@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.28, 14195 Berlin
schmutzlers@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.23, 14195 Berlin
cstrueber@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.21, 14195 Berlin
nele.thielemann-kuehn@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.29, 14195 Berlin
weinelt@physik.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.15, 14195 Berlin
markus.weissenhofer@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.14, 14195 Berlin
Former Group Members
Bo Liu |
Postdoc | |
Haydar Altuğ Yıldırım |
Master Alumnus | |
Spin- and Momentum-Resolved Electron Dynamics of Topological Surface States | |
Shabnam Haque |
Master Alumnus | |
Magnetization dynamics of iron thin films | |
Jonathan Weber |
Master Alumnus | |
Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in Gd/Fe Bilayers | |
Dr. Kamil Bobowski |
PhD Alumnus | |
Magnetization Dynamics in the Lanthanide Metal Gadolinium | |
Dr. Kristof Zielke |
PhD Alumnus | |
Metallic Nanowires on Semiconductor Surfaces | |
Dr. Thomas Moldt |
PhD Alumnus | |
Switching Molecules at Surfaces | |
Dr. Wibke Bronsch |
PhD Alumnus | |
Switching Molecules at Surfaces | |
Dr. Sophia Ketterl |
PhD Alumnus | |
Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy | |
Dr. Beatrice Andres |
Postdoc | |
Spin-resolved photoemission | |
Can Cagincan |
Master Alumnus | |
Tb/Gd and Eu/Gd Rare Earth Bilayers Magnetization Dynamics Studied with XMCD in Reflection | |
Sang-Eun Lee |
Master Alumnus | |
Spin-dependent magnetization dynamics in the heavy lanthanides' surface state | |
Marco Polverigiani |
Master Alumnus | |
Electron Dynamics in the Rashba material BiTeI | |
Dr. Björn Frietsch |
Postdoc | |
Magnetization Dynamics of Itinerant and Localized Electrons in Lanthanide Metals | |
Larissa Boie |
Master Alumnus | |
Switching Molecules at Surfaces | |
Sebastian Baum |
Master Alumnus | |
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Organic Semiconductors | |
Martin Bastian |
Master Alumnus | |
Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy | |
Dr. Christoph Trabant |
Postdoc | |
Time-Resolved Resonant X-ray Diffraction | |
Dr. Daniel Brete |
PhD Alumnus | |
Switching Molecules at Surfaces | |
Dr. Marko Wietstruk |
Postdoc | |
Spin- and Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy | |
Malte Wansleben |
Master Alumnus | |
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Organic Semiconductors | |
Marc Christ |
Master Alumnus | |
Spin- and Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy |