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Group Members

niloofaa94@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.27, 14195 Berlin
timamrhein@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.29, 14195 Berlin
boehnke@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.23, 14195 Berlin
dullyt98@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.12, 14195 Berlin
c.gahl@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.14, 14195 Berlin
gleich@physik.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.27 / 0.4.24 Lab, 14195 Berlin
felixheg01@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.23, 14195 Berlin
yichen.jin@fu-berlin.deArminallee 14, Room 0.4.19, 14195 Berlin
mehuj97@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.27, 14195 Berlin
gaurav.kshetry@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.12, 14195 Berlin
niklas.landos@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.29, 14195 Berlin
dominic.lawrenz@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.29, 14195 Berlin
lipowski@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.14, 14195 Berlin
thea.postler@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.16, 14195 Berlin
daniel.przyrembel@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.21 / 1.4.14 Lab, 14195 Berlin
beyzas50@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.29, 14195 Berlin
vibuv00@zedat.fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.19, 14195 Berlin
huijuan.xiao@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.19, 14195 Berlin
xinwei.zheng@fu-berlin.deArnimallee 14, Room 0.4.12, 14195 Berlin

Former Group Members


Bo Liu


Haydar Altuğ Yıldırım

Master Alumnus
Spin- and Momentum-Resolved Electron Dynamics of Topological Surface States

Shabnam Haque

Master Alumnus
Magnetization dynamics of iron thin films

Jonathan Weber

Master Alumnus
Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in Gd/Fe Bilayers

Dr. Kamil Bobowski

PhD Alumnus
Magnetization Dynamics in the Lanthanide Metal Gadolinium

Dr. Kristof Zielke

PhD Alumnus
Metallic Nanowires on Semiconductor Surfaces

Dr. Thomas Moldt

PhD Alumnus
Switching Molecules at Surfaces

Dr. Wibke Bronsch

PhD Alumnus
Switching Molecules at Surfaces

Dr. Sophia Ketterl

PhD Alumnus
Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy

Dr. Beatrice Andres

Spin-resolved photoemission

Can Cagincan

Master Alumnus
Tb/Gd and Eu/Gd Rare Earth Bilayers Magnetization Dynamics Studied with XMCD in Reflection

Sang-Eun Lee

Master Alumnus
Spin-dependent magnetization dynamics in the heavy lanthanides' surface state

Marco Polverigiani

Master Alumnus
Electron Dynamics in the Rashba material BiTeI

Dr. Björn Frietsch

Magnetization Dynamics of Itinerant and Localized Electrons in Lanthanide Metals

Larissa Boie

Master Alumnus
Switching Molecules at Surfaces

Sebastian Baum

Master Alumnus
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Organic Semiconductors

Martin Bastian

Master Alumnus
Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy
Cristoph Trabant

Dr. Christoph Trabant

Time-Resolved Resonant X-ray Diffraction
Daniel Brete

Dr. Daniel Brete

PhD Alumnus
Switching Molecules at Surfaces
 Marko Wietstruk

Dr. Marko Wietstruk

Spin- and Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Malte Wansleben

Master Alumnus
Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Organic Semiconductors

Marc Christ

Master Alumnus
Spin- and Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy