Courses - winter semester 21/22
1. Courses with sustainability relevance
Roland Netz
Computational methods in the exact natural sciences
Elective lecture for bachelor students, in GermanThe following topics will be discussed:
- Heat transport described by the diffusion equation (2 SWS approximately week 8).
- Calculation of thermal conductance through walls // Network theory for the calculation of infection dynamics (2 SWS approx. 12th week)
Basic concepts of network theory and percolation theory and application to infection and communication networks are introduced
Jan Behrends
Semiconductor Physics
Lecture plus tutorials, in EnglishThis course provides a general overview about the electrical and optical properties of semiconductors and semiconductor devices. Applications to be discussed in the lecture will include:
- Solar cells as renewable-energy sources
- Light-emitting diodes for energy-efficient lighting applications
Dennis Nürnberg and Holger Dau
Molecular Bioenergetics in Oxygenic Photosynthesis
Lectures, lab course tutorials for master students, in EnglishBiological photosynthesis is addressed in lectures and lab-course tutorials. Artificial photosynthesis is included in the course, as an application and outlook.
Michael Haumann
Special Topics in Molecular Biophysics: Biophysics of Metalloenzymes
Seminar for master students, in EnglishAn important aspect in biophysics research is the activation of small molecules at protein-bound metal centers with outstanding relevance in chemistry, medicine, industry, and energy applications. This lecture covers topics including coordination chemistry, assembly, structure, photoreactions, redox processes, and catalysis of metal cofactors in, for example, hydrogenase, photosystems, and oxidase enzymes. Recent scientific highlights in molecular biophysics are discussed.
Klaus Lips
Analytics for Photovoltaics
Lecture plus tutorials for master students, in EnglishThe course includes an introduction on climate change, resources and energy supply in general. Then the following topics are addressed: solar energy conversion, used materials and their electronic properties as well as the relevant technologies, relevant characterization techniques for the analysis of specific material and device properties.
2. Courses focusing on sustainability (in German)
Holger Dau
Exploring Sustainability - Focus on Artificial Photosynthesis
Interdisciplinary ABV module, open for bachelor students of all faculties, in GermanArtificial Photosynthesis is a new technology that uses sunlight to produce fuels that can replace fossil fuels. Project groups of 3-5 students will be formed and will then implement practical research or communication projects during the summer semester of 2022. The seminar exercises and project work are supplemented by a lecture series that teaches broad concepts of sustainable development.
Eckart Rühl (Physical Chemistry of the Freie Universität)
Environmental Chemistry I - Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry II - Soil and Water
For students of natural sciences, in GermanThere will be no prerequisites of specific chemical knowledge, so people from different study programs can participate without any problems. Environmental Chemistry 1 (atmosphere) and 2 (water and soil) are one module offered in the winter semester. A second module consisting of Environmental Chemistry 3 (Energy) and Environmental Chemistry 4 (Special Atmospheric Chemistry) is offered in the summer semester.
Holger Dau
Artificial Photosynthesis – Science for the Energy Transition
Seminar for master students, in EnglishIn artificial photosynthesis (AP), sunlight is used to produce energy-rich compounds that (i) allow for long-term, large-scale storage of solar energy and (ii) are well suited to replace fossil fuels. Motivation (CO2-neutrality, fluctuating availability of sun and solar electricity), basic scientific and technological concepts as well as steps towards realization are presented in a series of online presentations by the seminar participants and jointly discussed.