Artificial Photosynthesis is a new technology that uses sunlight to produce fuels that can replace fossil fuels. Project groups of 3-5 students will be formed and will then implement practical research or communication projects during the summer semester. The seminar exercises and project work are supplemented by a lecture series that teaches broad concepts of sustainable development.
Holger Dau
Student Profile
Interdisciplinary ABV module, open for bachelor students of all faculties, in German
There will be no prerequisites of specific chemical knowledge, so people from different study programs can participate without any problems. Environmental Chemistry 1 (atmosphere) and 2 (water and soil) are one module offered in the winter semester. A second module consisting of Environmental Chemistry 3 (Energy) and Environmental Chemistry 4 (Special Atmospheric Chemistry) is offered in the ...
In artificial photosynthesis (AP), sunlight is used to produce energy-rich compounds that (i) allow for long-term, large-scale storage of solar energy and (ii) are well suited to replace fossil fuels. Motivation (CO2-neutrality, fluctuating availability of sun and solar electricity), basic scientific and technological concepts as well as steps towards realization are presented in a series of ...
The course includes an introduction on climate change, resources and energy supply in general. Then the following topics are addressed: solar energy conversion, used materials and their electronic properties as well as the relevant technologies, relevant characterization techniques for the analysis of specific material and device properties.