A central objective of the workshop is to promote an exchange between mathematicians, physicists and engineers across disciplines on the subject of optimal control of quantum systems. The workshop is co-organized by the quantum physicist Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch from Freie Universität Berlin.
This workshop is part of the Thematic Einstein Semester “Mathematics for Quantum Technologies” (Summer 2024) funded by the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ and the Einstein Foundation Berlin.
Topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):
- quantum optimal control algorithms and numerical methods
- quantum feedback control and measurement
- hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
- analysis of controllability and expressivity in quantum control problems
- control of open quantum systems
- PDE-constrained optimization
- applications in quantum technologies
- experimental realizations of optimal control theory
Workshop details and registration
Time & Location
May 21, 2024 - May 24, 2024
Zuse Institute Berlin
Takustraße 7
Lecture Hall
D-14195 Berlin
Further Information
Tobias Breiten (TUB)
Patrick Gelß (ZIB)
Markus Kantner (WIAS)
Christiane P. Koch (FUB)
- Christiane Koch
- Exzellenzcluster
- Forschung
- math+
- Mathematik
- Mathematik für Quantentechnologien
- mathematische Physik
- Quantenphysik
- Quantensysteme
- Quantentechnologien
- Qutenkontrolle
- theoretische Physik
- Workshop