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Gender and Science Studies at the Department of Physics

Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann

Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann

As one of the few physics departments in Germany, we conduct research in the field of Gender & Science Studies on physics. Research results can thus be directly integrated into research, teaching and the cultures of physics.

Prof. Dr. Martina Erlemann's Research Group

Since 2018, the Research Group of Professor Martina Erlemann has been working in the field of "Gender Studies in STEM" and "Science & Technology Studies", particularly on physics. One focus lies on intersectional research of science cultures. Using a mix of qualitative methods such as ethnographies and interviews, the group investigates how categories of social inequality affect the cultures of physics. Another focus is on the interrelations between science, technology and society.

AG Erlemann

"genderDynamics" and "Diversity in the Cultures of Physic"

Previously from 2012 to 2015, the former research group of Professor Elvira Scheich investigated the interactions between cultures of physics and their organizational structure in the BMBF-funded project "genderDynamics". From 2012 to 2019, we organized the summer schools "Diversity in the Cultures of Physics" for young female physicists, between 2017 and 2019 funded by the Erasmus+ program within the framework of the Strategic Partnerships.


  • gender physics
  • gender studies
  • science studies
  • study on gender in physics
  • women in physics