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Our learning space, the “Library without Books” offered a stage to the Federal Minister Peter Altmaier for his dialogue with academic entrepreneurs.

Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, chose our "Library without Books" for his dialogue event at the Freie Universität Berlin. On June 13, 2019, he spoke with young entrepreneurs about technical innovations, digital business, and funding opportunities for new start-ups.

News from Jun 13, 2019

Books have been largely removed from the former library in order to make room for co-working spaces and airy learning places a few years ago. Bright, quiet, and open - the BoB, as the students call it, is a perfect space for productive learning and intensive exchange with like-minded people. Peter Altmaier used the atmosphere of the location to present his start-up offensive "GO!" and to learn first-hand about concrete start-up projects.

Several start-up teams presented their innovations and business models. In a panel discussion, the guests talked about artificial intelligence and biomedical solutions, as well as social entrepreneurship and the rapid launch of research innovations. "We have to watch out that we do not only discover new findings only to let others sell it. We have to research, develop, and sell," said the minister.

To achieve this, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy supports scientific start-ups with the EXIST program and is working on further reducing legal and bureaucratic hurdles. The Minister was very open to critical questions and took constructive suggestions from young founders "with him back to the offices".

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