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Thermal Machines in the Quantum World

Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert

Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert

A new  research unit headed by Freie Universität is dedicated to quantum thermodynamics and aims at realizing and exploring thermal machines in the quantum world.

News from Oct 25, 2019

A new DFG Research Unit FOR 2724 "Thermal machines in the quantum world" has started its work. The research consortium around Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert comprises physicists and quantum experts from Germany, Austria, and Israel.

They investigate the question of how thermal machines can be constructed and realized in the quantum world. This work is expected to have an impact on our understanding of the foundations of thermodynamical processes, accepting that nature is ultimately quantum.


  • Quantum thermalization control
  • Quantum heat engines
  • Quantum refrigerators, sensing and the third law
  • Foundations of quantum thermodynamics
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  • DFG FOR 2724
  • quantum heat engines
  • quantum physics
  • quantum refrigerators
  • quantum sensing
  • quantum thermalization control
  • quantum thermodynamic
  • quantumthermo
  • thermal machines