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Carl Ramsauer Award 2020 goes to Dr. Till Stensitzki

Dr. Till Stezinski, "Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy on Corroles, Phytochromes, Channelrhodopsins and Ground-states Reactions"

Dr. Till Stezinski, "Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy on Corroles, Phytochromes, Channelrhodopsins and Ground-states Reactions"

Carl-Ramsauer-Preis 2020 für Dr. Till Stensitzki

Carl-Ramsauer-Preis 2020 für Dr. Till Stensitzki

Dr. Till Stensitzki, the member of the Heyne's research group, received a Carl Ramsauer Award for his outstanding doctoral thesis on 18 November 2020. In his dissertation "Femtosecond Pump-Probe Spectroscopy on Corroles, Phytochromes, Channelrhodopsins and Ground-states Reactions" Till Stensitzki reported on the results of his experimental research on ground-state reactions as photoreactions.

News from Nov 19, 2020

To better understand the ultrafast processes of the photoreaction, the physicist applied femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy to four different systems: corrole, phytochrome, channelrhodopsine, and to a bimolecular ground state reaction. In the course of the research work, Till Stensitzki improved the existing fs-pump probe spectrometer in several key aspects, which dramatically increased the signal to noise ration and data-collection rate. The researcher could now record better data in less time than before, reducing the required sample amount.

Till Stensitzki's doctoral thesis was particularly commended for these novel experimental improvements, the development of specific computer application for measuring the results, and the precision of data analysis.

The Carl Ramsauer Prize, worth 1,500 euros, was awarded during an online festive colloquium.

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  • award
  • Carl-Ramsauer-Preis