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Master graduate Paul Fährmann receives the Quantum Future Award 2020

Paul Fährmann - Pitch at Quantum Future Award 2020

Paul Fährmann - Pitch at Quantum Future Award 2020

Quantum Future Award 2020

Quantum Future Award 2020
Image Credit: BMBF

Paul Fährmann from the research group of Professor Jens Eisert was awarded the Quantum Future Award 2020 for his outstanding master's thesis. With this award, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) honours innovative scientific work with clear application relevance in the field of quantum technologies.

News from Nov 27, 2020

Paul Fährmann explained his scientific approach to the expert jury in an online pitch during the Berlin Science Week: For his master thesis, which dealt with resource-based perspectives on near and long-term quantum computing, he optimised the algorithmic runtime of noisy and error-corrected quantum computers.

The first prize is endowed with six thousand euros for study trips. Paul Fährmann hopes to go on a research trip as soon as pandemic travel restrictions are lifted. As a doctoral student in the Eisert’s research group, he actively cooperates with scientists from Sydney, Linz and Oxford. Paul Fährmann is looking forward to vivid discussions in person with his international colleagues.

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  • best master thesis
  • Paul Fährmann
  • prize
  • Quantum Future Award
  • quantum physics
  • quantum technologies