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Publication in "Nature Communications"

The work by Paliwal, P., Blech, A., Koch, C.P. et al. has been published in the renowned journal "Nature Communications".

Jan 03, 2022

Highly Cited Researchers 2021

Two researchers associated with the Department of Physics at Freie Universität are among the world's most-cited authors according to this year's "Highly Cited Researchers" ranking. Professor Dr. Frank Noé and Honorary Professor Dr. Beatriz Roldan Cuenya are named in the "Cross-Field" category.

Dec 03, 2021

CRC/Transregio 227 "Ultrafast Spin Dynamics" enters second funding period

The transregional Collaborative Research Center "Ultrafast Spindynamics," in which physicists from Freie Universität Berlin and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg work together, will receive 10 million euros in funding from the German Research Foundation from 2022 to 2025.

Nov 25, 2021

SFB 1078 at the Berlin Science Week 2021

The collaborative research center SFB 1078 "Protonation Dynamics in Protein Function" presented its work at the Berlin Science Week 2021 and offered on 5th and 6th November an exciting hybrid program for people interested in science.

Nov 01, 2021

New Doctoral Program Natural Sciences

Doctoral qualification in the natural sciences under the umbrella of the Dahlem Research School: The Department of Physics and the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy at Freie Universität Berlin have jointly launched a program for doctoral students in the natural sciences. The Dahlem Research School supports scientists at Freie Universität Berlin in their early qualification and career phases. Those who successfully complete the program can choose between the titles "Ph. D." and "Dr. rer. nat.".

Oct 11, 2021

#yeswecampus: Event Week for the Start of the Winter Semester

The activity week #yeswecampus will run from 4th to 7th of October and will feature welcome events, food trucks and street musicians.

Oct 01, 2021

Freie Universität Berlin Awards Professor Hanoch Gutfreund an Honorary Doctoral Degree

Physicist and former rector and president of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem recognized for his scientific contributions and policy work.

Sep 03, 2021

Johannes Jakob Meyer, a student in Jens Eisert's research group, wins the Quantum Futur Award 2021

Johannes Jakob Meyer from the research group of professor Jens Eisert has won first prize in the "Quantum Futur Award 2021" for his outstanding master's thesis. With this award, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) honours innovative scientific work with clear application relevance in the field of quantum technologies.

Aug 27, 2021

The Quantum Refrigerator

An international research team including physicists of the Freie Universität Berlin has invented a completely new cooling concept: Computer simulations show how quantum fields could be used to break low-temperature records.

Aug 16, 2021

Two master graduates get Physics Study Prizes 2021 for theoretical theses

Physics graduates Nils Niggemann and Henrik Kiefer have been awarded Physics Study Prizes 2021 of the Physical Society of Berlin (Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin) for outstanding master's theses.

Jul 09, 2021

Professor of Physics Joachim Heberle is the Central Ombudsperson

On July 1, 2021, the Executive Board of Freie Universität appointed Professor Joachim Heberle to the newly created position of "Central Ombudsperson for Good Scientific Practice" in the Coordination Office for Research Integrity.

Jul 05, 2021

Quantum Digital Transformation for Berlin

„Perspectives of a quantum digital transformation: Near-term quantum computational devices and quantum processors“ : The first Einstein Research Unit of the Berlin University Alliance begins its work. The interdisciplinary unit focuses on quantum digital transformation and will be anchored at the Department of Physics at Freie Universität with Professor Dr Jens Eisert as the unit's head.

May 06, 2021

Complex oscillations in a quantum system simplify with time

With a sophisticated experiment, physicists have shown that in a one-dimensional quantum system, the initially complex distribution of oscillations or phonons can change into a simple Gaussian bell curve over time. A joint research group of the Freie Universität Berlin and the HZB, led by professor Jens Eisert, developed theoretical foundations for an experiment that was carried out at the Vienna University of Technology.

Feb 01, 2021