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Long Night of Sciences 2022

Beleuchtung zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften an der Freien Universität Berlin

Beleuchtung zur Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften an der Freien Universität Berlin

Rundgang mit verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Stationen

Rundgang mit verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Stationen

Gäste im Physiklabor

Gäste im Physiklabor

The joy of reunion and new insights into physics

On July 2, 2022, the Department of Physics opened its doors to the public and all those interested in physics. For the "Long Night of the Sciences" 2022 physicists offered an exciting program to more than one thousand guests.

News from Jul 08, 2022

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the Department of Physics at Freie Universität Berlin finally presented its work again at the Long Night of the Sciences. On July 2, 2022 from 5 p.m. to midnight, visitors experienced compelling scientific lectures, laboratory tours, exhibitions, and shows.

Insights into research

In the scientific lectures, guests could learn about crucial issues on which researchers at the department are working. Biophysicist Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle, for example, studies proteins - the nanomachines of living organisms. Understanding how proteins function at the molecular level provides fundamental insights into nature and can help develop new drugs. Theoretical physicist Prof. Dr. Roland Netz works among other things on calculations that demonstrate the behavior of aerosols as they disperse through space. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the transmission of numerous viral diseases, such as corona.

During the laboratory tours, guests were not only able to take a look at modern research devices but also to ask scientists in person about the research methods and news. How do hard drives store information? What can we learn from cyanobacteria for energy production? Our physicists provide answers to such questions; through basic research, they make the fundamental knowledge constantly grow.

The Collaborative Research Centers TRR 227 "Ultrafast Spintronics" and SFB 1078 "Protein Function by Protonation Dynamics" also presented their projects and research results. In the Collaborative Research Centers, scientists work together across the boundaries of their respective disciplines and institutes.

Fun and games for young and old: Science slam and physics show

The tour took guests through many stations where they could play, touch, grasp and freely explore the laws of physics - be it with Duplo bricks, a hammer or VR goggles. The experiment stations of the PhysLab pupils' laboratory attracted many families and children outdoors at Arnimallee 14. There was a great interest in the interactive Physica Magica show, which was performed by pupils from the Georg-Herwegh-Gymnasium.

For the first time in the almost twenty-year history of the Long Night of the Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin presented a Physics Science Slam. The event was moderated by German Science Slam runner-up Dr. Sabrina Patsch, who organized the event together with Alexander Blech and Fernando Gago Encinas from Prof. Dr. Christiane Koch's group.

Two female and one male physicist competed in front of almost 200 people, presenting their research projects unusually and entertainingly. At the end, the audience should vote for the best slammer. The winner was Dr. Audrey Houillon, who talked about physics, neuroscience, decision-making processes and her love of chocolate. But fellow slammers, Elahe Abdiha and Alexander Möller, both from the Koch's group, also earned thunderous applause for their innovative presentations of quantum physics topics.

Motivation and inspiration: Focus on sustainability

During the "Long Night", guests could get into conversations about future applications and sustainability. Professor Dr. Holger Dau and his students from the study module "Exploring Sustainability" explained artificial photosynthesis and demonstrated solar-driven hydrogen formation using a model. Students from Nürnberg's research group presented their ideas for developing a CO2 fixation technology based on photosynthetic organisms. Dr. Jenny Schlüpmann (Didactics of Physics) presented key messages from the latest IPCC reports from the Office for Climate Education.

The students' union FSI attracted many guests with delicious vegan waffles. In "Let's talk about Physics" they shared their experiences and motivation for studying physics with prospective students.

Joy of welcoming people back

The Long Night of Science was the culmination of a successful on-campus summer semester 2022. The joy of having a full house again was evident to all department members. The enthusiasm of people to be together again and to share and expand their knowledge was, as in the past, the hallmark of the Long Night of the Sciences.

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  • event
  • exhibition
  • experiments
  • lab tour
  • lectures
  • LNDW
  • long night of science
  • MINToring
  • open house
  • outreach
  • physics
  • PhysLab
  • public
  • science communication
  • Science Slam
  • show
  • talks