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New Cluster Proposal "Center for Chiral Electronics" Advances to Final Round in the Excellence Competitions

Prof. Dr. Katharina Franke

Prof. Dr. Katharina Franke
Image Credit: David Ausserhofer

The Excellence Cluster Initiative "Center for Chiral Electronics," in which the Department of Physics at the Freie Universität Berlin collaborates with partners from Halle and Regensburg, has been selected for full proposal submission as part of the Excellence Strategy. Prof. Dr. Katharina Franke represents the Excellence Cluster Initiative as a co-spokesperson.

News from Feb 06, 2024

Chirality describes the property that an object cannot be superimposed onto its mirror image by rotation and translation. This characteristic is inherent in many objects in nature, providing them with intrinsic stability.

The Excellence Cluster "Center for Chiral Electronics" explores this concept in solid-state physics to lay the foundations for technologies that meet the growing demands for high-performance and energy-efficient electronics.

Solid-state physics is one of the main research fields of the Department of Physics at the Freie Universität Berlin, with a particular focus on nano-, surface-, and ultrafast physics. The Excellence Cluster aims to build on this success and achieve new milestones together with partner universities.

Applicant Universities: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Freie Universität Berlin, University of Regensburg

Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Georg Woltersdorf (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg), Prof. Dr. Katharina Franke (Freie Universität Berlin), Prof. Dr. Christoph Strunk (University of Regensburg)

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  • Center for Chiral Electronics
  • chiral
  • electronics
  • excellence
  • excellence cluster
  • Excellence Competitions
  • excellence initiative
  • Excellence Strategy
  • Katharina Franke
  • nanophysics
  • solid-state physics
  • surface science
  • ultrafast physics