Research Phase
All details of the Master's program are fixed in the Study and Exam Regulations.
Yes. You must register for the research phase. Please fill this form and send it to the exam office to Dmitrij Heinz via
Note: Before registering for the research phase, you must have completed the module “Advanced Laboratory Course for Master Students” (10 CP), a module of theoretical physics from the compulsory elective area comprising 10 CP and further modules of the Master’s program comprising at least 25 CP.
The registration to the research phase allows you to enter the modules „Scientific Specialization“ and „Methodology and Project Planning“ (no further registration via Campus Management, Blackboard or any other system is needed).
First semester of the research phase
Typically, this is the 3rd semester of the Master’s program.
You complete two modules: „Scientific Specialization“ (15 CP) and „Methodology and Project Planning“ (15 CP)*.
For both modules, you must demonstrate your ability to work scientifically:
- For „Methodology and Project Planning“, you submit the first 20 pages of your master's thesis to your supervisor. This submission will be marked as "passed".
- For "Scientific Specialization", you give a 30-minute presentation followed by a 30-minute discussion on your master's thesis topic. You will receive a grade for the presentation.
Both components constitute your midterm exam. Passing this exam allows you to proceed with your master's thesis.
* Note: You do not need to register for the "Scientific Specialization" and "Methodology and Project Planning" modules.
Second semester of the research phase
Typically, this is the 4th semester of the Master’s program
During this semester, you complete your Master’s thesis and present it in a final colloquium.
The first supervisor of the research phase always needs to be a lecturer of the department. If the external supervisor is not an adjunct lecturer of the department, you need to find a lecturer in the department who is willing to supervise the external research phase. Besides the professors of the department, all lecturers listed here can act as supervisors of research phases.