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Advanced Biophysics

20114101 VORLESUNG

Lecturer: Joachim Heberle, Stephan Block
Language: English
Period: 20.04.2020 - 17.07.2020
Dates: Tue 12:00-14:00, Fri 12:00-14:00 - online

max. number of participants

Notes: 10 ECTS only together with lecture 20114130 which will be held in Sept-Oct!
Content: This module will present and substantiate biophysical methods and concepts. Selected methods like spectroscopy and diffraction and their application to proteins, nucleic acids and biomembranes are of particular relevance. The lecture series will cover a selection of the following methods: absorption spectroscopy in the UV, visible and IR region; fluorescence spectroscopy, time-resolved approaches; spectroscopy with linear and circular polarized light; vibrational spectroscopy: Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), resonance Raman, surfance-enhanced Raman and IR; diffraction with X-rays, Neutrons and electrons; crystallization and protein crystallography; nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); light scattering; single molecule spectroscopy; optical tweezer; atomic force microscopy; theoretical methods: MD simulations, Poisson-Boltzmann, QM/MM
Literature: Since a comprehensive textbook in Biophysics is not available, here is a list of books from which parts will be used in the lecture: Serdyuk, I.N., Zaccai, N.R. & Zaccai, J: Methods in Molecular Biophysics. Tuszynski & Kurzynski: Introduction to Molecular Biophysics. Cantor & Schimmel: Biophysical Chemistry. Walla: Modern Biophysical Chemistry. Brandén & Tooze: Introduction to Protein Structure. Winter & Noll: Methoden der Biophysikalischen Chemie. Gennis: Biomembranes
Contact: joachim.heberle@fu-berlin.de, stephan.block@fu-berlin.de

Lecture Slides

Lecture 01a - Introduction (Heberle)

Lecture 01b - Cells & Microscopy (Block)

Lecture 02a - Fluorescence Microscopy Part I (Block)

Lecture 02b - Fluorescence Microscopy Part II (Block)

Lecture 03a - Electron Microscopy Part I (Block)

Lecture 03b - Electron Microscopy Part II (Block)

Lecture 04a - Scanning Probe Microscopy Part I (Block)

Lecture 04b - Scanning Probe Microscopy Part II (Block)

Lecture 05a - Scanning Probe Microscopy Part III (Block)

Lecture 05b - Amino Acids (Block)

Lecture 06a - Protein Structure (Block)

Lecture 06b - Co-Factors and Protein Structure Determination (Block)

Lecture 07a - X-ray Crystallography: Concepts (Block)

Lecture 07b - X-ray Crystallography: Synchrotron Radiation (Block)

Lecture 08a - X-ray free electron laser (Block)

Lecture 08b - Protein crystallization (Block)

Lecture 09a - Protein structure modelling (Block)

Lecture 09b - Neutron scattering and diffraction (Block)

Lecture 10a - NMR Part I (Block)

Lecture 10b - NMR Part II (Block)

Lecture 11a - Interactions (Block)

Lecture 11b - Electrostatics / pKa (Block)

Lecture 12a - Polar and nonpolar interactions (Block)

Lecture 12b - Molecular modelling (Block)

Lecture 13a - Vibrational spectroscopy: Introduction (Heberle)

Lecture 13b - Vibrational spectroscopy: Fourier-transformation (Heberle)

Lecture 14a - FTIR (Heberle)

Lecture 14b - CD spectroscopy (Heberle)

Lecture 15a - Difference-spectroscopy (Heberle)

Lecture 15b - FTIR-Differences (Heberle)

Lecture 16a - Redox-induced differences (Heberle)

Lecture 16b - Surface-enhanced IR (Heberle)

Lecture 17a - Time-resolved FTIR part I (Heberle)

Lecture 17b - Time-resolved FTIR part II (Heberle)

Lecture 18a - Ultrafast spectroscopy part I (Heberle)

Lecture 18b - Ultrafast spectroscopy part II (Heberle)

Lecture 19a - Raman spectroscopy (Heberle)

Lecture 19b - Resonance Raman spectroscopy (Heberle)

Lecture 20a - Surface enhanced Raman (Heberle)

Lecture 20b - Novel vibrational spectroscopies (Heberle)