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Girls in Physics

Girls'Day 2023 am Fachbereich Physik: Workshop "Wie kann ich mithilfe von Molekülschwingungen Rätsel lösen?"

Girls'Day 2023 am Fachbereich Physik: Workshop "Wie kann ich mithilfe von Molekülschwingungen Rätsel lösen?"

Around 100 girls from grades 5 to 9 from different schools in Berlin experienced an inspiring Girls' Day physics program at the Freie Universität Berlin.

For the so-called Girls' Future Day on April 27, 2023, various departments at Freie Universität Berlin offered 30 events for schoolgirls, 11 of which were in the department of physics.

News from May 03, 2023

At the welcoming event in the large lecture hall, girls got to know different career pathways in physics. Then, professor Katharina Franke demonstrated exciting experiments and explained in an easy ways basic physical laws behind presented objects.

Afterwards, participants joined small groups for workshops. Some of them completed practical tasks, i.e. in the soldering course "Flashing Circuit to Go". The others dealt with computational tasks, i.e. in the workshop "Motion and Randomness". Two English-language workshops were aimed at schoolgirls from international and bilingual schools, but were also very popular with girls learning English as a foreign language.

"With its range of workshops, Freie Universität Berlin wants to offer young schoolgirls the opportunity to deepen their interest in STEM subjects and encourage them in their desire to become scientists," said Dr. Janina Richter, MINToring coordinator and central organizer of Girl'sDay at Freie Universität Berlin.

Girls'Day is an annual, nationwide action day that aims to motivate girls and women to take up technical and scientific careers. In Berlin, Girls' Future Day is the largest career orientation project for schoolgirls. Freie Universität Berlin has participated in Girls' Day since 2002. The Physics Department has co-organized the Girl'Day for many years.

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  • Aktionstag
  • girls
  • Girls Day
  • Girls'Day
  • Mädchen
  • Mädchenzukunftstag
  • Physik