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Carl Ramsauer Prize 2023 Awarded to Dr. Sabrina Patsch

The Physical Society of Berlin (PGzB) honored Dr. Sabrina Patsch for her outstanding dissertation with the Carl Ramsauer Prize 2023. The work, titled "Control of Rydberg atoms for quantum technologies," was conducted in the research group of Professor Dr. Christiane Koch.

Dec 14, 2023

Quantum Physicists Professor Dr. Jens Eisert and Dr. Daniel Reich are among "Top Minds of Berlin Science"

"100 Minds of Berlin Science" - The Berlin daily newspaper "Tagesspiegel" has identified 100 outstanding people who have lit up the academic and scientific landscape of Berlin with their research and teaching in the year 2023: Two physicists from Freie Universität Berlin are the stars of Berlin science.

Oct 20, 2023

Ilia Kulikov (Behrends Group) receives Ernst Prize of the GDCh

Physics doctoral student Ilia Kulikov from the research group Behrends was awarded the Ernst Prize of the "Magnetic Resonance" section of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) for his outstanding scientific publication.

Oct 05, 2023

GDCP Publication Prize Awarded to Marcus Kubsch

Prof. Dr. Marcus Kubsch received a GDCP Prize for the Best Journal Article of Young Scientists in physics didactics

Oct 02, 2023

A "TÜV" for quantum computers - The team of Prof. Jens Eisert contributes to the development of quality tests for quantum computers

"Nature Communications" study published: An international research team around professor Jens Eisert has discovered how to test the quality of quantum computers. The scientific "Computer TÜV" uses methods from physics, computer science and mathematics.

Aug 24, 2023

New research group: "Macromolecular Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy" of Prof. Dr. Benesh Joseph

We welcome Professor Dr. Benesh Joseph at our department, who followed the call for a W2 tenure track professorship "Experimental Molecular Biophysics" at the Freie Universität Berlin. Prof. Joseph's research group investigates functional mechanisms in macromolecular protein complexes by means of ESR spectroscopy.

Jul 13, 2023

Joint appointment with the Max Born Institute: Dr. Sangeeta Sharma is the new professor for "Theoretical Solid State Physics"

Freie Universität Berlin has appointed Dr. Sangeeta Sharma as professor in the field of "Theoretical Solid State Physics" on June 26, 2023, in a joint appointment with the Max Born Institute.

Jul 10, 2023

TRR227 Project Leaders Prof. Dr. Tobias Kampfrath and Dr. Tom Seifert contribute to the "2023 Terahertz Science and Technology Roadmap"

Physicists from Freie Universität Berlin have published two guiding articles in a roadmap publication in the "Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics" summarizing the expertise of leading international terahertz photonics researchers.

Jun 30, 2023

The research team of Prof. Dr. Holger Dau explains in "Nature" the formation of oxygen (O2) on earth

40 kilograms of spinach, 3 million laser flashes, and 600,000 simulated atoms were needed to identify a key element of photosynthetic oxygen evolution in collaboration with a research team from the Italian university of L'Aquila. A research team led by Freie Universität Berlin physicist  Prof. Dr. Holger Dau and L'Aquila University physicist Prof. Dr. Leonardo Guidoni has been able to experimentally and computationally trace the movement of electrons and atoms in photosynthetic oxygen formation. The study , which has just appeared in the prestigious journal Nature, provides insights into the biological process that has likely been unchanged on Earth for the past three billion years. The findings are of high relevance since they may be significant for the production of green hydrogen or other renewable fuels.

May 11, 2023

Two New Junior Research Groups in Theoretical Physics: Dr. Alexander Jahn and Dr. Maxim Breitkreiz

We welcome two junior research groups at the Department of Physics: The research group "Quantum Information and Holographic Dualities" of Dr. Alexander Jahn is funded by the Einstein Foundation within the Einstein Research Unit "Perspectives of a Quantum Digital Transformation". The research group "Microscopic and Nanoscopic Physics of Topological Metals" of Dr. Maxim Breitkreiz is funded by the Emmy Noether Program.

May 10, 2023

New Physics Education Research Group: Group Kubsch started work

We welcome a new physics education research group at the Department of Physics: Junior Professor Dr. Marcus Kubsch brings innovative approaches to both research and teacher education at Freie Universität Berlin.

May 08, 2023

Girls in Physics

Around 100 girls from grades 5 to 9 from different schools in Berlin experienced an inspiring Girls' Day physics program at the Freie Universität Berlin. For the so-called Girls' Future Day on April 27, 2023, various departments at Freie Universität Berlin offered 30 events for schoolgirls, 11 of which were in the department of physics.

May 03, 2023

Quantum Effects Detected in Hydrogen and Noble Gas Collisions

A Freie Universität Berlin research team headed by quantum physicist Professor Christiane Koch has demonstrated how hydrogen molecules behave when they collide with noble gas atoms such as helium or neon. In an article published in the journal Science, the researchers describe how they used simulations to draw connections between data from experiments and theoretical models of quantum physics. The study includes theoretical calculations as well as data collected in experiments with atoms and molecules conducted at TU Dortmund University and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The team was able to show that collisions change the way the molecules vibrate and rotate under the laws of quantum mechanics. Research in the field of quantum mechanics continues to gain importance in today’s world. Findings such as these can be applied in the development of mobile phones, televisions, satellites, and in medical diagnostic technology.

Apr 13, 2023

Quantum Physicist Jens Eisert Receives European Research Council Grant

Theoretical physics professor at Freie Universität Berlin receives ERC Advanced Grant for his work on quantum computers Physicist Professor Jens Eisert from Freie Universität Berlin’s Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems has once again received a grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC Advanced Grant will provide more than 1.8 million euros worth of funding for his research project “DebuQC,” which will run for the next five years. This is the third ERC grant that Professor Eisert has been awarded. The professor for theoretical quantum physics and his team are looking to answer some of the most pressing research questions surrounding quantum technology, as well as to explore the limits of this promising technology. ERC Advanced Grants provide support for well-established, prominent researchers who are looking to explore new fields of study.

Mar 30, 2023

Superconducting diode effect with a single magnetic atom

Superconducting diodes are regarded as promising future electronic devices. In a joint work, the groups of Katharina Franke and Felix von Oppen were able to realize a remarkably simple model system in which they could observe and explain the superconducting diode effect. The work was published in Nature .

Mar 15, 2023

Sustainability at the Department of Physics at Freie Universität Berlin

The Department of Physics adopted its sustainability agenda on February 1, 2023. The agenda was developed in a participatory process by the Sustainability Working Group. The document proposes a number of measures ranging from the design of new interdisciplinary courses dealing with sustainability issues to the calculation of the department's carbon footprint and the reduction of official air travel.

Feb 20, 2023