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Carl Ramsauer Prize 2023 Awarded to Dr. Sabrina Patsch

Christiane Koch, Sabrina Patsch und Stefan Eisebitt (PGzB) bei der Verleihung des Carl-Ramsauer-Preises.

Christiane Koch, Sabrina Patsch und Stefan Eisebitt (PGzB) bei der Verleihung des Carl-Ramsauer-Preises.
Image Credit: Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin

The Physical Society of Berlin (PGzB) honored Dr. Sabrina Patsch for her outstanding dissertation with the Carl Ramsauer Prize 2023. The work, titled "Control of Rydberg atoms for quantum technologies," was conducted in the research group of Professor Dr. Christiane Koch.

News from Dec 14, 2023

The Carl Ramsauer Prize was ceremoniously presented on November 22, 2023, at the Technical University of Berlin. The prize is awarded annually to the best dissertations in physics written at a university in Berlin and Brandenburg. The award is endowed with 1,500 euros and is sponsored by SPECS GmbH

Dr. Sabrina Patsch studied physics at the University of Kassel and earned her doctorate in physics at the Freie Universität Berlin in the research group "Quantum Dynamics and Control" under the supervision of Professor Dr. Christiane Koch.

Dr Sabrina Patsch is an expert in science communication who has won prizes at science slams and appeared in other popular formats such as Pint of Science and Soapbox Science. She is the author of the blog "Physicus Minimus" and a budding science journalist.

Doctoral Thesis  "Control of Rydberg atoms for quantum technologies"



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  • AG Koch
  • award
  • Carl Raumsauer Prize
  • PGzB
  • quantum physics
  • quantum technologies
  • quantum technology
  • Rydberg atoms
  • Sabrina Patsch