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Physics Study Award 2024: Physical Society Honors Best Master's Thesis

PGzB Physik-Studienpreis 2024

PGzB Physik-Studienpreis 2024

Maximilian Kramer

Maximilian Kramer

The physics graduates of Freie Universität Berlin, Maximilian Kramer and Tassilo Scheffler, were honored by the Physics Society of Berlin for their outstanding master's theses.

News from Jul 18, 2024

Maximilian Kramer wrote his master's thesis titled "On Quantum Algorithms for Satisfiability Problems" in the research group of Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert. After successfully completing his Master's degree, Maximilian Kramer remained at the Department of Physics at the Freie Universität Berlin to pursue a PhD in the Eisert group. He continues exploring intriguing questions regarding quantum computing, especially quantum algorithms.

"I am deeply honored to receive this prize and am immensely grateful to be part of the dynamic and inspiring research environment in the Eisert group", Maximilian Kramer commented.

Tassilo Scheffler studied physics for his bachelor's and master's degrees at the Freie Universität Berlin and wrote his master's thesis titled "Hydrodynamical Simulations on the Origin and Evolution of the eROSITA Bubbles" under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dieter Breitschwerdt (TU Berlin). Today, Tassilo Scheffler is pursuing a PhD in astrophysics at Ghent University.

The award ceremony took place on July 11, 2024, at the Magnus-Haus in Berlin. A total of eight physics graduates from Berlin and Potsdam were honored with awards, which included a certificate and a cash prize.

The Department of Physics warmly congratulates the award winners and wishes them continued success in their research.

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  • Master's Awars
  • Maximilian Kramer
  • PGzB
  • Physics Award
  • Physics Society
  • Physics Study Award 2024
  • Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin
  • Study Award
  • Tassilo Scheffler