Exercise: Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics
Dozenten: | Ionela Radu |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Zeitraum: |
Zeit: Mo 14:00-16:00, Mi 12:00-14:00 (erster Termin: 15.10.2012) |
Haupttermine: | Mi 14 - 16 Uhr - Arnimallee 14 HS A (1.3.14) |
maximale Teilnehmerzahl |
Terminhinweis: | |
Inhalt: | Electronic states of molecules: LCAO,VB, Hückel approximation; optical spectrosopy, including single-molecule techniques; magnetic interaction parameters in molecules: g-matrix, hyperfine coupling, chemical shift, spin-spin couplings; magnetic resonance spectroscopy. |
Literatur: |