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Collaborative research centers present an exposition of scientific projects and show exciting findings.

SFB 1078 - Proteinfunktion durch Protonierungsdynamik

SFB 1078 - Proteinfunktion durch Protonierungsdynamik

In deciphering the functioning of proteins, the nanomachines of our body, the movement of hydrogen ions (protons) plays a significant role.

We explain the theory and show you, through some experiments, the properties of protons and our methods of analysis that allow to uncover the secrets of our proteins.

Location: corridor before the room 1.1.25

Referent Jens Balke

Details about SFB 1078


Image Credit: SFB/TRR 227

Spintronics refers to a new form of information processing based not on the charge but on the magnetic moment ("spin") of electrons.
The Collaborative Research Center/TRR 227 "Ultrafast Spin Dynamics" investigates the physical basis for this on the shortest time scales, as we will show you in demonstration experiments.

Location: seminar room E2 (1.1.53)

Details about SFB/TRR 227

Collaborative Research Centres, or CRC, are long-term university-based research institutions established for up to 12 years in which researchers work together within a multidisciplinary research programme.

More details on our research consortia