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New research group: "Macromolecular Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy" of Prof. Dr. Benesh Joseph

Prof. Dr. Benesh Joseph

Prof. Dr. Benesh Joseph

We welcome Professor Dr. Benesh Joseph at our department, who followed the call for a W2 tenure track professorship "Experimental Molecular Biophysics" at the Freie Universität Berlin. Prof. Joseph's research group investigates functional mechanisms in macromolecular protein complexes by means of ESR spectroscopy.

News from Jul 13, 2023

Prof. Dr. Benesh Joseph started his work at the Department of Physics in March 2023. The new research group fits seamlessly into the biophysical research of Freie Universität Berlin and enriches it with unique methodological aspects.

The group develops new experimental approaches for studying structural transitions, conformational equilibria, kinetic and thermodynamic parameters in native membranes and cellular environments. Prof. Joseph's research team uses a highly interdisciplinary approach involving recombinant membrane protein expression and purification, biochemical/biophysical characterization, and electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR) techniques combined with structural modeling.

Benesh Joseph received his PhD in biophysics from ETH Zurich in 2014 and then worked at Goethe University in Frankfurt-am-Main.

In 2014-2016, he established a new direction in biophysical research to study membrane proteins under native conditions. The results of his work were published in high impact journals and paved a way for him to become a group leader in the Collaborative Research Center SFB807 "Transport and Communication across Biological Membranes" and in 2019 an Emmy Noether Research Group Leader at Goethe University.

Dr. Benesh Joseph's outstanding scientific achievements were honored with several grants and awards: the Adolf Messer Award for Young Scientists (2017) and the Young Scientists Award of the German Biophysical Society (2018).

Dr. Benesh Joseph prevailed in an tenure track professorship appointment against 70 other candidates.

We wish Joseph's research group a good start at our department and much success!

Research Group Joseph

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  • Benesh Joseph
  • biophysics
  • electron spin resonance
  • ESR
  • ETH Zurich
  • experimental physics
  • Goethe University
  • macromolecular electron spin resonance apectroscopy
  • membrane
  • new research group
  • proteins
  • spectroscopy
  • tenture track