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Quantum Physicists Professor Dr. Jens Eisert and Dr. Daniel Reich are among "Top Minds of Berlin Science"

Quantenphysiker Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert

Quantenphysiker Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert

Dr. Daniel Reich

Dr. Daniel Reich

"100 Minds of Berlin Science" - The Berlin daily newspaper "Tagesspiegel" has identified 100 outstanding people who have lit up the academic and scientific landscape of Berlin with their research and teaching in the year 2023: Two physicists from Freie Universität Berlin are the stars of Berlin science.

News from Oct 20, 2023

Professor Dr. Jens Eisert

Professor Eisert has been conducting research and teaching at Freie Universität Berlin since 2011. He is the founding member of the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems and is globally recognized for his work in quantum many-particle theory, quantum information theory, and quantum optics. Approximately 50 individuals, including research assistants, PhD, Master, and Bachelor students, collaborate on various projects, including FOR 2724 "Thermal machines in the quantum world“, RealistiQ, HYBRID, QPIC-1, PhoQuant, MUNIQC, QSolid, QSolid, QR.X, DAQC and FermiQP. Additionally, a new research project on quantum computers, "DebuQC," is currently being launched with the support of an ERC Advanced Grant.

Professor Eisert also maintains affiliations with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute. He is considered one of the world's most cited scientists in the field of quantum computing and the study of complex quantum systems.

Research Group Eisert

Dr. Daniel Reich

Dr. Daniel Reich is PostDoc at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in the Quantum Dynamics and Control group of Professorin Christiane Koch.

Daniel’s research deals with the theoretical modelling and numerical simulation of light-induced electron dynamics in molecules. As principal investigator in the collaborative research center 1319 “Extreme light for sensing and driving molecular chirality” he investigates the behavior of molecular mirror images under the influence of circularly polarized light. In addition, he is researching topics in open quantum systems, quantum optics, and quantum control.

Teaching plays a particularly important role for Daniel Reich. With lectures about quantum mechanics and a podcast episode titled “Inside the Mirror Universe” at Deutschlandfunk Nova he is striving to excite both students and the general public about physics..

Dr. Daniel Reich

100 Very Important Minds of Berlin Sicence (in German)

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  • Berlin Science
  • best scientists
  • Daniel Reich
  • Jens Eisert
  • quantum information
  • quantum physics
  • quantum technology
  • top minds