Two New Junior Research Groups in Theoretical Physics: Dr. Alexander Jahn and Dr. Maxim Breitkreiz
We welcome two junior research groups at the Department of Physics: The research group "Quantum Information and Holographic Dualities" of Dr. Alexander Jahn is funded by the Einstein Foundation within the Einstein Research Unit "Perspectives of a Quantum Digital Transformation". The research group "Microscopic and Nanoscopic Physics of Topological Metals" of Dr. Maxim Breitkreiz is funded by the Emmy Noether Program.
News from May 10, 2023
Jahn Group - ERU Young Investigator Group
Alexander Jahn studied physics in Berlin at Free University and Humboldt University. He completed his PhD in quantum physics with Prof. Dr. Jens Eisert at Freie Universität Berlin. Through several scholarships (DAAD, Fulbright, PROMOS), Alexander Jahn spent his study and doctoral period partly at universities in the USA, Japan and South Korea.
Immediately after receiving his PhD in February 2021, Dr. Alexander Jahn worked at the California Institute of Technology in the USA. At the end of 2022, he returned to his home in Berlin to continue his research as a junior research group leader at his alma mater within the framework of the Einstein Research Unit "Perspectives of a Quantum Digital Transformation".
The Jahn group investigates holographic dualities between gravitational and quantum theories using the tools of discrete quantum systems. The focus is in particular on tensor networks and the development of concrete models at the interface between (quantum) gravity, quantum error correction, and many-body physics.
The junior research group is funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin and the Berlin University Alliance.
Breitkreiz‘ Group - Emmy Noether Junior Research Group
Maxim Breitkreiz studied physics at the Free University of Berlin and received his PhD in theoretical physics at the Technical University of Dresden. He then worked for two years at the Universiteit Leiden in the Netherlands. In 2018, Dr. Maxim Breitkreiz returned to his alma mater and joined the research of the Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems and the Collaborative Research Center 183 "Entangled States of Matter".
In March 2023, Dr. Maxim Breitkreiz started his junior research group, which is funded by the German Research Foundation within the Emmy Noether program for 6 years. The research interest of Breitkreiz' group is in the overlap region of solid-state and elementary particle physics. Specifically, the group investigates the effect of quantum anomalies that arise in nanostructures of novel states of matter, the so-called topological metals. The study of quantum anomalies promises insights into fundamental laws of nature and at the same time opens access to matter with unusual functionality.
We wish both junior research groups much success!
- Alexander Jahn
- Dahlem Center of Complex Quantum Systems
- elementary particle physics
- elementary particle physics
- Emmy Noether
- gravitational theory
- holographic dualities
- junior research group
- many-body physics
- Maxim Breitkreiz
- nanostructures
- quantum anomalies
- quantum physics
- quantum systems
- quantum theory
- solid-state physics
- tensor networks