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TRR 227 Sonderseminar - Prof. Dr. Liang Wu: Novel Nonlinear Optical Response in 2D Antiferromagnets

13.12.2024 | 15:15
Liam Wu

Liam Wu
Bildquelle: University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania, USA

The family of monolayer two-dimensional (2D) materials hosts a wide range of interesting phenomena, including superconductivity, charge density waves, topological phases and magnetism.

Antiferromagnets (AFMs) have also attracted enormous interest recently in spintronics due to the absence of stray fields and their terahertz resonant frequency. Despite the great advantages of antiferromagnetic spintronics, controlling and directly detecting antiferromagnetic order and other emergent order in 2D materials have been challenging.

In my talk, I will focus on the Neel order in 2D AFMs (MnPS3 and MnPSe3). I will show that we have developed a sensitive second-harmonic generation (SHG) microscope and detected long-range Neel antiferromagnetic (AFM) order down to the monolayer in MnPSe3 and the bilayer in MnPS3.

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Zeit & Ort

13.12.2024 | 15:15

Hörsaal A (1.3.14)
Fachbereich Physik
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin

Weitere Informationen


Prof. Dr. Tobias Kampfrath


  • 2D-Antiferromagnete
  • Liang Wu
  • nichtlineare optische Reaktion
  • TRR 227
  • Ultraschnelle Spin-Dynamik
  • Universität von Pennsylvania